13 hp honda pump question

I ordered the ez4040, looks like replacement parts are cheaper. I picked up this unit so I can connect it with my belt drive cat pump, with Honda 13hp. Dose anyone know where I can get low priced check valves? and jumper hoses and a tee?
Did you get a new unloader too? I've got the EZ4040 fully plumbed with a VRT3-300 unloader for $338.05. The siamese kit to hook 2 machines together is $105.00
Yes i got the unloader. Dose the Siamese kit have check valves on it?
Did you get a new unloader too? I've got the EZ4040 fully plumbed with a VRT3-300 unloader for $338.05. The siamese kit to hook 2 machines together is $105.00

At what point do you need check valves for connecting 2 machines? I have a 4gpm and a 2.4 gpm that I connected without issues. Could 2 - 5.5 gpms be connected without check valves?
Im running the honda gx390 with ez4040 pump at 4.0 gpm and 4000 psi mated with a honda gx390 and belt dirve cat pump at 4.0 gpm and 4000 psi.
Rig up the "T" with the check valves and jumper hoses (or just buy them from Russ at Southside Equipment) and now you will have 8gpm at 4000psi.
I already have, that's why I said I have them mated together...

What surface cleaner are you using?

How do you like it?
I just ordered the be whirl a way 24 inch stainless steel unit. As soon as it gets in im going to try this. I will take pics and keep you all posted on how it works. The size is another reason I want to use this scooter. Its small compared to a lawnmower. And no gas to run it.