$5300 best price for hotsy industrial hot water unit?


New member
When into a local hotsy dealer, and was told $5300 was best price for industrial machine. With Jon saying hot water is the way to go, I am going to have to eventually break down and get one. There has to be better prices than this!:(
Go to Delco Cleaning Systems in Fort Worth. They are in your neck of the woods, and are good people. Their advertised prices are much less than $5300. I am sure they can help you. Their 800 number is 1-800-433-2113

Scott Stone
I was told that hotsy had parts that hotsy only sold...Is this true or was someone selling me something again...I agree I also would look at the Delco, Just in stainless steel parts alone Delco has many beat...

He didn't show me a model. He just made it sound if I'm gonna

play with the big boys, I better buy a good one! I'm sure I can

buy a good one, less than $5300! Wonder how much of that is

The hotsy pump is proprietary. It is called a hawk pump. I would go for industry standard stuff, so that I could get parts to repair it anywhere.
As for needing a machine to play with the big boys, I have found very few distributors that have current knowledge on cleaning issues. Of course, this is just my opinion.
