Analysis of the match Vlazrimi Struga vs. FK Buducnost Podgorica:



Goaloo18: Vlazrimi Struga vs FK Buducnost Podgorica Prediction, Preview &  H2H Stats

Analysis of the match Vlazrimi Struga vs. FK Buducnost Podgorica:

Match Result Prediction:

Vlazrimi Struga is currently in better form than FK Buducnost Podgorica. Specifically, Vlazrimi Struga has won on the Asian Handicap in 7 out of their last 8 matches, and 5 out of their last 6 home matches. On the other hand, FK Buducnost Podgorica has lost 3 out of their last 5 matches, not won on the Asian Handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and not won on the Asian Handicap in 6 out of their last 10 away matches. This suggests that Vlazrimi Struga has a high chance of securing a victory against FK Buducnost Podgorica and bringing joy to their home fans.

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Number of Goals Prediction:
According to the statistics, in the last 6 matches of Vlazrimi Struga at home, the last 6 matches of FK Buducnost Podgorica, the last 5 matches of FK Buducnost Podgorica away, and 7 out of the last 10 matches of Vlazrimi Struga, there have been at least 3 goals scored. This indicates a high likelihood of the match between Vlazrimi Struga and FK Buducnost Podgorica having more than 2 goals scored.

Form Analysis:

Vlazrimi Struga has not won in 6 out of their last 10 matches, and not won in 5 out of their last 5 matches. At home, Vlazrimi Struga has won 5 out of their last 10 matches, but not won in 4 out of their last 5 matches.

FK Buducnost Podgorica has won 5 out of their last 10 matches but not won in 3 out of their last 5 matches. Away from home, the team led by coach Aleksandar Nedovic has not won in 6 out of their last 10 matches and won 3 out of their last 5 matches.

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Asian Handicap Form Analysis:

Vlazrimi Struga has won on the Asian Handicap in 8 out of their last 10 matches, with 4 out of their last 5 matches being successful. At home, Vlazrimi Struga has won on the Asian Handicap in 7 out of their last 10 matches and 4 out of their last 5 matches.

FK Buducnost Podgorica has not won on the Asian Handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches, with 3 out of their last 5 matches being successful. Away from home, the team has not won on the Asian Handicap in 6 out of their last 10 matches and won on the Asian Handicap in 4 out of their last 5 matches.

Total Goals (Over/Under) Form Analysis:

Vlazrimi Struga has had 7 out of their last 10 matches end with over 2.5 goals and 4 out of their last 5 matches end with over 2.5 goals. At home, the team has had 5 out of their last 10 matches end with over 2.5 goals and 4 out of their last 5 matches end with over 2.5 goals.

FK Buducnost Podgorica has had 8 out of their last 10 matches end with over 2.5 goals and 4 out of their last 5 matches end with over 2.5 goals. Away from home, the team has had 7 out of their last 10 matches end with over 2.5 goals and 4 out of their last 5 matches end with over 2.5 goals.


Asian Handicap: Vlazrimi Struga (-1/4).

Total Goals: Over 2.5.

Score Prediction: 2-1 in favor of Vlazrimi Struga.

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