Anyone use IBCs for their mix?


New member
A friend works for Mauser Group and mentioned he may be able to get me IBCs or Drums if I need. The IBC looks to be a high quality tank for inclusion on my rig. They're made here in NJ.

Any thoughts on this type of tank?


Guy here in Florida are useing them for moble car washing outfits But I not seen any here using them with house wash or roof wash chem in them.
Guy here in Florida are useing them for moble car washing outfits But I not seen any here using them with house wash or roof wash chem in them.

Just to stay on the correcting grammar, spelling

There is a guy here in Florida that is using them for mobile...... LOL

Sorry, couldn't help it.
Just to stay on the correcting grammar, spelling

There is a guy here in Florida that is using them for mobile...... LOL

Sorry, couldn't help it.

It should have been, Guys here in Florida are using them........ And you are right, moble is misspelled. So shot me. LOL
local store???

What kind of store sells either type of tank???
I had one of these

I used to have one on my trailer . If you leave it full your fine or empty your fine ... I like the tanks with baffles in them... They pull easier when they are half way full... I dont pull water anymore I carry 200 foot of garden hose on a hose reel.. and 200 ft of pressure washer hose..on another reel.