Anyone Wash Coal, Asphalt or Petroleum Coke trucks?


Just looking for some advice here. I am bidding on some trucks that haul all kinds of stuff but I have not cleaned any that have hauled Petroleum Coke. It is kind of like coal and asphalt. It leaves a bad stain/residue on the surface and it gets into the pores of the aluminum trailers.

One guy locally blasts them with a turbo nozzle to get some of the stuff off but then uses straight acid/aluminum brightener on them to get them clean.

I was wondering if anyone has cleaned anything like this and what process/chems you used to get it clean.

I am thinking that there has to be something better than straight acid on aluminum to get it clean.

What do you think?
Sure, give me a call but next week after 6 or 7pm central time, I will be cleaning those huge water tanks from sunup until sundown.

I am going to get some video of that. I have a 3 year old Kodak digital camera and it takes ok digital stuff but I went looking last nite for a new camera that did video also but could not find a decent one for under $250.00 and I am watching every dollar until this big job is done. When I am paid for it then I will get a better digital camera.

Those Cannon cameras were good.