Asphalt shingle cleaning prices


New member
Just was wondering what a good price for the following sizes below. Is reasonable for cleaning asphalt shingle roofs that are walkable?
1000 to 2000 s.f.
2000 to 3000 s.f.
Pricing varies geographically around the country. If you call several of the better roof cleaners in your area for quotes, you'll have a more accurate idea in your market.
A good rate is this equation.

Cost of chems
+ cost of fuels
+ cost of insurance
+ cost of upkeep of equipment & new equipment & for you
buisness to grow
+ Cost of Advertizment
+ cost of help
= break even point
+ what you want to make - depends on what your area
I do a house here for $150.00 One hour drive east from
here they are getting $200. to $220.00 for tha same
+ Uncle Sam's Fare Share!

This equals how much to charge. It doesn't matter if you charge by the Lenier foot or the square or what you use the basic info from the above and you should be making money. Remember Uncle Sam gets about 1/3 of all you income after your buisness costs so if you want to earn $20.00 an hour then you need to ensure you ADD to that for Uncle Sam..