
Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

This is your BBS and some of you forget that, that means everyone who particpates hear and gives themselves to the BBS owns a piece. Thats the way it was set up and thats the way it will run.

Mike hughes owns the BBS under this agreement. I have given Mike and alternative to either run the BBS and start taking care of it or give it up. I do not want this back i just want to see the BBS advance on like the other BBS. We have a bunch of good folks here, some may think i'm being to strong but for to long i have heard excuses.

Please give some ideas and maybe some resolve can happen. I will not discuss this by e-mail because this concerns alllllll.... Keep it proffesional and keep your personal differences with Mike and Me out of this. THINK About PWI.