Georgia red clay on vinyl siding


New member
Homeowner wants me to remove red clay from the vinyl siding. House wash does not work. I did see someone post oxalic acid! All I have is wood stripper. I think it contains some oxalic acid (HD-80). Should I use it or is there something else that I should be trying?....Any advice?:confused:
Andy I'm not usually one of the "Search First" guys but I did a search and there are a bunch of good detailed answers there.
Is that what your talking about Rick,

The grime scene is way more extensive about HD 80 because Beth and Rod use it and use to sell it way back when.

Now you or a new guy wouldnt know that.

There's alot of controversy threads here....Some didnt like it.

I personally think its a good product. Will it work on this? I wouldnt have a clue, you house wash wizards know best.
We use it quite often (for what it was designed for) It would NOT be our recommendation for the task at hand.