Gutter Help


New member

I was powerwashing my own home and was trying to clean the black streaks off the gutter. I am using an X-Jet nozzle and Gutter Zap to clean. The first time I sprayed it, I don't think I let it dwell long enough since when I rinsed it it didn't come much cleaner. I tried a second time and let the Gutter Zap dwell for about 5 minutes. This time it came MUCH cleaner, but not completely clean. Since this is on my own home, I can live with the improvement. If I were to do a neighbor's house, I'm not sure that they would be satisfied with the improvement since all the black streaks were not removed. Is there a way to improve the process? If I were doing this for a customer, is there a point where the gutters come clean but not perfect?

Thanks for the help.
gutter wash

Hi grant,
I wash houses and the main problem as you see is gutters, I have never used gutter zap but hope to soon at the present time I use this stuff made by hotsy called miracle whiz it works great but you still have to brush a little. Hope that helps

Long Island Powerwash
Hello Grant,
I also use the same chemical as LI Powerwash and I apply it with a brush also.

This chemical is probably similiar to Gutter Zap as far as how it works.

At what ratio did you dilute the Gutter Zap? You may have to try it at a smaller water to chemical ratio. Try it on a small section of gutters on your house where its not that noticable and try different strenghts even to the point of trying it straight with a brush to see how it works. Just don't get it on your house when using it without diluting it.

Basically try it at different strengths. The xjet may have diluted it to much before it got on the gutters. This is the reason why I use a brush. You can control the dilution ratio much better this way and you also have better control as far at putting it on the gutters.

I hope this helps.
hotsy products

I get my supplys local, but I am sure if you do a search for hotsy products online I am sure you can find it, If not feel free to contact me and I can give you the companys # I know they ship to other states
I mixed the Gutter Zap just like the instructions, 2 parts water and 1 part Gutter Zap.

Is it possible that some gutters never come completely clean, or do I need to try new/different techniques?

If you mixed it 2 to 1 and then applied with the xjet, you dilluted it too much.

The xjet with no proportioners in it automatically dillutes 2 to 1. So, if you want to apply it with the xjet, just stick the tube directly into the gutter zap bucket. Make sure you wet the house down first.

The xjet is not the most effiecient way to apply it..........wastes alot of product..........but its fast!
Gutter help

Hi Grant

The only house I've done is my own and I had black streaks on my gutters. I used a Hotsy product called Blue Thunder, applied it with a foam gun (no brushing) and had great results.


Regarding gutters, we use hot water applied with the cleaner, in this case, "ripper" and it does a fantastic job! Wet the area first and apply it down stream and watch the black junk disolve before your eyes. Now I know that there are those out here that will say that using hot water is a waste of time and money however, we incorporate all house wasing using the twin chemical method applied with hot water. Keep in mind that hot water "activates" alkilne cleaners and will take paint off of aluminum and needs to be monitored, especially heavily oxidized older aluminum. I hope this answers your question. :) Let me know if this helps.
Hi Richard, Would like to know where to buy the Foam Gun. Think it would be safer than spraying it on. Most of the stucco houses here have this problem. They say it come from the shingles on the roof. Hate to have anything caustic spraying at our faces.
