Help stripping cure wax from new construction concrete


New member
I'm in the middle of a big project (a county bridge deck) and I'm hoping someone has a chemical solution. The concrete has been covered in a white wax curing product that they now want stripped off so they can put a penetrating sealant on the concrete. The only thing that works is lots of heat and lots of pressure but it is very very slow. Anybody know of a chemical that might speed things up. Has to be locally available cause I need this job done tomorrow.
Try this site I have used their products before with great success. You can normally find a distributor locally. Alot of flooring places carry their products.
Thanks guys. The manufacturer recommended their own product but it would have cost more than our entire bid. We just plugged away and cranked up the heat. We finished in the dark without as much light as we would have liked but got er done. I think it would have been significantly easier if our water source (the river) wasn't nearly freezing. I don't have a temp gauge but I could tell we weren't getting as hot as we usually can.