HELP!!! with alunimuml siding


New member
Guys and gals,

I recently washed a house in about 100 degree heat. ( You can see what is coming.) The house has aluminum siding. I prewet the surface, applied "Emulsifier Plus" from Envirospec with the Xjet from the bottom to the top. I rinsed the windows and hooked up the extension wand and pressure washed from the top to the bottom.
The result is streaks. I think that the extreme temperature evaporated the water and baked the chemical onto the siding before I had a chance to wash it off; about 45 seconds.
I pressure washed, with chemical, the wall 2 more times. The streaks lessened , but stayed. I scrubbed with a brush and a pole"Greased Lightning".
It did a little better. Then, I read I should not use this product on aluminum or painted surfaces.
The house is vacant and will be rented soon. The owner is being patient, but I have to fix this.
ANY SUGGESTIONS?? Thanks!! :indecisive:
Sucks to be you...:)

I washed aluminum siding today with great results. I use Simply Cherry and SH. Maybe look into buying different stuff.

As for what to do, not really sure but someone will most likely chime in with a fix.

Please add a signature so we all know who you are.

Thanks for the input.
I can not figure out how to add a signature.
What is SH. I have heard of Simply Cherry.
SH is Sodium Hypochlorite. (Bleach at 10 or 12 percent) For signature, go to very top of page and click on settings, then on the left you'll see edit signature.
Your going to need to hire a water intrusion specialist to remove the water from behind the siding then a painter to repaint it. I hope you have good insurance.

Thanks for your input. I believe there is probably an easier solution.However, I could have it painted as a last result. I do have good insurance, but do not want to involve them for the obvious reason.
SH is Sodium Hypochlorite. (Bleach at 10 or 12 percent) For signature, go to very top of page and click on settings, then on the left you'll see edit signature.

Thanks Doug, I have started my signature. Now, if I could get it to upload my logo. I browsed in the computer and inserted it, but it does show.
Scott you had good intentions with this project and some of these guys are acting like they have never made a mistake and are being a bit hard on you.From what you described i think the only mistake you made was you used to much pressure thats it.The paint was probably weaker in some areas than others when you went across it with wand you just got a bit close to the paint.I would suggest getting some larger tips like a 15/25 degree for a low pressure chemical tip and a 0060 for a high soap tip and just take a more gentle approach on aluminum and you will be fine.The greased lightning was your only chemical mistake i see you made good luck in the future fellow Nc washerman.
It sounds to me like it as he says, the cleaners ran down the wall and caused the streaking, not the pressure. Even tho I do it to often myself, the soap should have been applied from the bottom up.

What to do? I don't other than try washing and brushing it a few more times. Paint if nessacary.

I wish you the best with it!!
Do a search here, there have been similar issues with aluminum siding, so many posts and threads you can't remember all the advice but there is advice here.

That is one of many, many, many reasons I hate to wash aluminum siding as there are more of a risk of a screwup with aluminum because of the oxidation and washing it will remove a lot of the oxidation and leave the surface uneven.

Using a degreaser on a house is never a good idea, always read the instructions first as you might someday mix chemicals in a bucket that is not rinsed good of the first chemical and it could be a deadly mistake or cause a lot of serious damage to people's property.

Search here for the advice on the siding issues, there is good advice in here.
Sounds to me like your house wash may have been oxidized already and in need of a paint job What better way to get a new FREE paint job than to hire a pressure washing company to clean your house and blame it on him.

Did you run your fingers over the surface before cleaning? Was it chalky? How many times did they ask if you were insured before they hired you? Just saying!!!
Sounds to me like your house wash may have been oxidized already and in need of a paint job What better way to get a new FREE paint job than to hire a pressure washing company to clean your house and blame it on him.

Did you run your fingers over the surface before cleaning? Was it chalky? How many times did they ask if you were insured before they hired you? Just saying!!!


There was a guy or two here that got scammed into paying for a paint job on a house or it was going to court from what I remember for washing an oxidized house.

The finger test is a good one, if you wipe your finger on the siding and a lot of the chalky paint comes off onto your finger it is time to walk or run from the job. No sense in trying to be a hero, the house needs to be re-painted and you will probably be the guy paying for the job if you try to clean it without lots of years experience and a lot of these oxidized problems under your belt to know what to do and when.

I have been called to bid on the older asbestos siding that was oxidized and had a lot of wand marks and 0-degree marks all over it and once I did the finger test, it was time for me to leave as I felt it was a scam to get me to pay for their paint job. The last one I looked at the guy was practically begging me to wash it and he would pay me cash on the spot when I was done. Good thing that I had the gut feeling as something just was not right. A couple months later I am in that neighborhood and remember the house......It had a new paint job on it so I wonder if someone got scammed into it or not. O Well, it was not me.
Did you call them and ask for help?

The streaking in the siding may be from other issues as well. Did you take any before pictures? If so it may help you.

The oxidation on the siding will be removed when you wash the surface, if the weep holes have been dripping water they would have cleaner streaks and the oxidation across the surface may have been uneven to start. With the washing you just exposed it with the cleaning. If you let that particular soap dry on the surface however that can be your issue as well. Or of you shot the soap up under the siding it will drip out if the weep holes and cause streaking too. Pictures will go a long way.

The problem with aluminum siding is it will oxidize differently based on environmental considerations so uneven cleaning may be unavoidable. Sounds to me you did what you could to even out the surface. If the paint is solid and not stripping down to the bare metal you may try two stepping it to even it out. I have found this to be an effective method when dealing with alum siding that is streaking like that