How long do your hoses last you?


New member
I have been using the same 50' Hose now for 3 years. And It still looks great. I have seen hoses break and go flying in the air though. How long do they normally last? I think mine is 5/8"
Has anyone heres hose gone flying or caused any damage?
I cant believe that about 20 people have read this post so far but yet no one responded?
You guys don't use pressure hoses?
5/8 is a large hose! More likely a 3/8". Mine last less than a year, but I use in pretty tough environments. I use 2 wire hoses, spec'd at 4000 or 4500 psi.
When I was part time they lasted about a year, depending on the brand of hose I bought. I was probably only doing about $1000 a month at the time, pressure washing. Now I am full time, and have been for 7 years. We are currently still getting nearly 9 months to a year out of them. This equals about 2000 hours of machine time.

Scott Stone