hydrochloric vs. oxalic acids


what's the difference between these two acids?


It contains hydrochloric acid.


I've never used Oxalic Acid but I think it's a powerful wood cleaner and also kills mold.

I use Hydrochloric everyday in conjunction with alkaline to wash trucks. Never tried the Jasco Concrete cleaner you ask about but I've seen it talked about on here. Someone will have a link for you.

Both of those acids you ask about are pretty corrosive.
ron p

oxalic acid is made from a plant and used as a wood brightner[not really a cleaner] it is also a poision.
Hydrochloric acid is a weaker version of muriatic acid[spelling] You know the acid that etches concrete.
Some people use it in place of hydrofloric acid in 2 step washing of fleets. [HF is illeagal in some states]
Some more useless information from me:

Oxalic acid is used in the pharmaceutical industry; used as bleaching agent in the textile ind.; grinding agent in marble polishing; used to remove calcium in water treatment plants; used as rust remover in metal treatment industry.
It's also good for removal of blood and rust stains along with flushing car radiators.
Oxalic acid is found in many plants including Rhubarb and Spinach.

As for Muratic acid: the name is used synanomously with Hydrochloric acid, Hydrogen Chloride and Chlorohydric acid (makes it confusing, don't it?). As an example: Hydrochloric Acid 6N contains about 51% Hydrogen Chloride and 49% water. Muratic Acid contains 31-35% Hydrogen Chloride and 69-65% water.

More useless info:
- In the state of Tenn. it is required to register buyers of Muratic/Hydrochloric Acid of $50 or more and seller has to keep info on file for 3 years (3 forms of ID. are required).
- Hydrochloric acid is present in the stomach's gastric juices.
- What do you get when you mix 1 oz. of pure caustic soda with 1/2 oz. of muratic acid? Common table salt. (Remember how Sodium Hypochlorite is derived from salt water? Salt and salt water are a base of our human existance. It's in our body; its a natural healer for our body; it was snorted by sailors to clear sinus blockages; we use it to make solutions to disinfect bacteria.)

Regards, ;) ;) ;)

P.S.: "Safety First and Make IT Last!"