If your Tired of the of the Same old stuff here or at another BBS you go to ?

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
There are Choices!!!

The Uamcc is the only National Association that has a Forum, its run pretty well and Zero tolerance of any disruption occurs. One of the only forums besides here with free Benefits.

All other forums with associations Charge for pretty much the same things here http://www.uamcc.org/contractors/uamcc-member-benefits

Power Wash Network Owned and Operated by Easy Clean Mark who sell equipment. Doug & Carlos are Staff there and its run pretty Well. No BS is tolerated much for guy who want to get some serious stuff done.

Cleaning Talk is for Carpet cleaning and Janitors with a few pressure washer and some roof cleaners.

PT State owned and operated solely by Bob, Bob sells his products there and for the most part lately has been pretty productive BBS with minimal issues. Bobs pretty quick to shut it down.
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