indiana craigslist ad

Did i read that right 600 degrees goodness thats gitner hot i guess.I dont think 3 gallons of fuel would produce that temp maybe i am wrong?
not = the rubber on the hose would be melted. Lead melts at 550
Guy Blackmon, you are correct. He said a company called seal lock or seal tight had them built for their franchise. Said ths company had some "super" product that they stained decks with and it only needed to be done once and never again. I asked him if that defeated the purpose of sealing decks for a living. He told me that the company charged 2-3 times as much as normal. I think the company did this all over the state and then when business slowed down they sell their rigs and move to a different state.
I also said something to him about the temp and he really didnt know anything about it. All he knew was that he had someone look at the rig and told him it was worth 12,500.