It could never happen here right?

Nothing gets my fire burning hotter than this issue, this is my button. Let me first start by stating I claim to be neither Democrat or Republican, so the political aspect is out the window with me.

Let's, as Americans sort the facts. Who do we credit with very foundations of the freedoms that we so freely enjoy today, a bunch of gun toting everyday, ordinary citizens turned militants who weren't content with the status quo. Then they, as the first Americans established the law in our Constitution that guarantees the right to bare arms to all. Some would try to argue, it states militia, not the general public. Remember who the members of the militia of the day was... Everyday, ordinary citizens.

Who will fight to the death to keep these freedoms and remember the fighting spirit of our fore fathers? Apparantly not enough so-called Americans. So, it will be left up to the the strong willed, un-wavering Americans, who aren't afraid to stand up against a government that wishes to strip its citizens of their rights to defend themselves and their country.

Point blank, if someone loves the laws that another country created on gun control, move there if it's so freakin' great! I could care less. I love the old saying, "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". I suppose I will always be an outlaw then...
If you trust the govt with your 2nd amendment rights go ahead. It is a very simple 3 sentance amendment that the founding fathers of this country felt so strongly about that it was the first thing they added after freedom of speech and religon.
If this country would allow decent citizens to openly or concealed carry uniformly crime would be much much lower. I encourage anyone to show me where crime has risen anywhere in the united states after either open carry or concealed carry has gone into effect. Let me save you the google search....It has never happened.
If the honest citizens on flights 77, 93 and 11 had been even remotely trusted by the government to exercise thier 2nd amendment rights on Setember 11, 2001 the world we live in would be a very very diffrent place and THOUSANDS of lives would have been spared that day and since.
A gun is a tool nothing more and nothing less, how it is used makes it a peacemaker or a heartbreaker.

Oh and another thing look where the basis for every federal law reguarding gun control has come from in the last 41 years. the gun control act of 1968 was introduced in 1967 by Senator Thomas Dodd. I would encourage you to look at the 1938 German Weapons Act introduced by Adolf Hitler. It reads almost line for line like the 1968 gun control act. Amazing also since the person who translated the act for the Nurenburg War crimes trials of 1946 was the architect of the bill and Dodd corresponded with him daily about it for almost 2 years.
I don't trust the Gov PERIOD LOL I love my country but fear my goverment and always will and with that said, Long Live The USA and the freedoms that we enjoy. With all the things that are not perfect in this country we still live in the best place on earth. FAIMLY, GOD and GUNS :D OH and Friends