Its time to speak up


New member
This is my first and probably my only post. There is a very specific reason for why I am posting and that is because I am pist off!
First, let me give you a quick overview of what I have seen on these boards. I have been reading these boards since the Delco board 8 years ago. In my opinion there are a FEW smart, ethical, hardworking, succesful businessmen in this topics industry who contribute to this board. Then there are the idiots. I won't point out any names because it is only my opinion but I am sure if you have been reading this board (and all the others) your opinions wouldn't differ too far from mine.

Now for the reason of my post. I have been in business for 13 years. This year our goal his to hit one million in revenues for the first time. We run 8 trucks (no subcontracting) and our primary focus is hood cleaning. Any of you who are pressure washers and think you can just jump into hood cleaning with a tiny amount of training, or without any long term real "on the job experience", let me give you a wake up call. But that will come in a minute. Today I got a call from one of our largest accounts. (about 190 units) The facilities manager says after 7 years of reputable service from us, "Either drop your price or we go with another company." (Keep in mind I have never rasied the price from the first day I started their units) Then he says "I have another company doing our units (in an area that I don't cover) for $135.00. They do an excellent job and either you need to match that price or we go with that company." I say "Huh?" He says "Lets meet next week and we can discuss the details", and he hangs up. I say "Huh?".

Now you must understand something. I charge a VERY reasonable price for these type of units. Under $200.00 and that is a little low. Now I either drop $60.00 to $70.00 off EACH store I service or risk losing the entire account. Total cost is roughly $50,000 give or take in cuts. Now this is certianly not going to put me out of business and I still am going to drive my Hummer around town and not lose any sleep about my 7 miles to the gallon fuel economy. But what I will lose sleep over (including tonight) is the fact I am going to have to lay off my mechanic because his salary was just axed by my good freind the lowballer. I have gone through 100 emplyees to keep 10 good ones and to lose him is to lose a key element of my company. I will now do the tune ups, oil-changes, brake jobs, equipment maintnenace, supply stocking, etc.. unless.........

Unless I go out and bid more accounts, sign new contracts, and get more business. And you can bet your ass that is exactly what I am going to do! But here is why I am pissed. Accounts come and ago I understand and except that. As a company we have lost less than 3% of any account we have sercived at least once. If I lose an acount to fair competition, fair price, etc. more power to that competitor. But if I lose an account to some jack-ass who has underbid my account so preposterously low that you know he is one of these aforementioned idiots, well that is just frustrating. We have all seen posts in the past about low ballers, no insurance, no worker comp. blah, blah, blah. But the real frustrating part about this situation is this lowballing company is assocaited with these boards. Yep, this guy intitally learned the tools of his trade from one of our good friends right here on these boards.

Now for the wake up call I mentioned earlier. Nobody who does it right just jumps into the hood and exhaust maintanence industry. Now, now you all talk about certification, regulations, enforcement for our industry, etc. etc. That is all fine and dandy. BUT here is where the true problem lies. Joe knows how to pressure wash. He has been doing it for almost three whole months now! Joe has an epiphany as he pushes his $250.00 surface cleaner down the sidewalk with no water reclamation. "Hey, I can clean hoods for some fast cash. It can't be that hard. That guy on the board will tell me what to do."That is the problem! Can we stop Joe from thinking this or from trying it? No, but we can do something. Maybe someday certification, true licensing and informed firemashalls will put an end to Joe but for no I have to pick my battles and I am going to the source.

We can limit the amount of Joes who enter our industry by NOT NOT NOT NOT offering them free training. Not encourging Joe by reinforcing his high school GED diploma with a "Sure you can do it attitude". If you want to rob somebody for ten or twenty grand and teach them for a week you are not helping either. All you did is train the Joe who inhereited twenty grand from his aunt and your scamming them. But at leat you thought of a way to make some cash out of it. If your the one who says I'll train you if your not a competitor in my area, here is your wake up call. EVERYONE is your competitor. This is not a bad thing IF it is the RIGHT kind of competitor. Everyone is your competitor becuase just like many or most of you quality contractors out there, you all network. Of course you pick carfeully who you network with. Well guess what Joe networks too. First of all Joe moves around alot so you never know where he will end up. Second of all Joe networks with cousin Billy Bob, who is then trained twice as poorly as Joe was. And so on and so on. Doesn't happen? You bet your ass it does. I have seen it first hand twice. I have one of these idiots in my area right now. And as for those of you who said "Well I am just a trusting person, and I have a good heart and I want to help people." Well good for you! I have a trusting heart too but I give it to those people who have EARNED it. Trust and valubale information do not come free and unfortunately it is human nature to take advantage of it. Most people do.
Good thing these trusting( "I'll tell you anything you want to know") type people don't work for Intel. Then their pentium processor would not be much of a secret now would it.

There are those of you who will say let the other company screw up. They are bound to with no experience and such a cheap price. Well your right that is probably what will happen. But I can't give up the rest of my units or lay off 4 people so I am forced to lower my price. (At least until my freindly lowballer screws up real good, then my price goes back up). But this is a new guy and he is a real hard worker. Maybe he will do well, maybe he is ethical, and maybe it is a shame that his "trainer" took three whole days to train him and didn't show him how to charge a fair price. At least research your area and get an idea of the medain prices being charged in the area. Its not that hard because I did it. Idiots!

Now for my solution. This goes out to presure washers and hood cleaners. I have a solid network base but it is small. I need to create a larger network of succesful, ethical, hardworking contractors out there. This means that if your the owner and your not out "on the job" at least 4 of the 7 days in a week,then you can stop reading now. I want this network for two reasons. One is to help reduce then number of these idiot lowballers. No we can't get rid of them but we can take them on and burn them out. Second I want to network with companies who believe in NOT training Joe for three days then sending him on his way so he can come back to your town and burn your territory!. No need to point out the guys who offer free training for dinner or whatever ridiculous short term training some of you have offered, but if you have done it in the past this is your chance for repentance and to not do it again. For the quality companies who do want to network, I want to weed out Joe and whatever idiot who trained them. (wether Joe paid for it or not)
Of course this is next to an impossible task but you have to start somewhere.

I have been cleaning hoods for 13 years. I work every night. I know what it takes to do it right and I do it right. I have been in 100 ft. horozontal stretches sitting in three inches of grease scraping it out and the pressure wasing it 1 foot at a time. I have done the untis the have so much electrical wiring in them I could have electrocuted myself just looking at it. I have seen so many things so out of code its painful to look at. Oh, and I do the easy stores too! My point is I still make mistakes and I am one of the best. When Joe comes on this board and dives in head first after 3 weeks of thought and three days of training my industry suffers. Hey that should be Joes slogan on the side of his 1983 toyata pick up with us under equipped equipment he uses, "Joes Hood Cleaning- Three months of thought and three days of training- call us for your pressure washing needs."

The bottom line is these boards are good for only a couple things. General information shared between people in their industry and I do mean general. And networking so that when more sensitive information is shared it can be done privately. Oh, and it is also good for trying to discourage Joe from getting in over his head before he is ready. My message to all you Joes out there- If you want to do this and do it right, ask yourself who you are. Will you work harder then anyone else, will you commit the endless time and energy to do it right. Will you be ethical and honest, and what are you willing to sacrifice for success. Then go work for a company (I can't tell you how long but it took me 2 1/2 years) until a true professional in the industry can say you are ready Joe, go out and prosper. Or you can just "fly-by-night, and lowball and then you will have to deal with me, I gaurantee it. Or you will burn a restaraunt down, and kill somebody, neither option is pleasant. And for you train em' and send em' type people out there I coming after you too. If any of my networking companies are in your areas we are coming to get you too. We will out work, out bid, and generally out do you until you cry. And then we will step it up a notch.

If your one of those guys who agree with me and want to send this industry in a positive direction and weed out some of these guys who either haven't earned a spot or don't belong in this industry leave your e-mail as a post and we will talk. I am no longer as angry as I was when I started writing this post but my convictions about it are as strong as ever!

Parker Jackson

Jackson Steam
Company Address
2134 Sinter Way
San Francisco, California
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You make alot of valid points but in this ever advancing society you are fighting a losing battle. The internet is here to stay no matter what you do or say about it and with the internet comes the UNLIMITED source of information in every SECTOR.

You may not like it but out of every guy like yourself there are a 100 others that want to share what they know with others.

Hell, what is some of the software out there called that lets others share with eachother??Shareware??

Like I said you do make alot of valid points and the road ahead is a tough one for extremely established guys like yourself but maybe your energies should be re-directed to how you can keep yourself one step ahead of your competition without worrying what they know and don't know. Build your REPUTATION up even more so the Lowballers and Fly-by-niters can't really hurt you because they don't have that key element..IMPECCIBLE REPUTATION.

AS for shared Information don't do it if you don't want to and its your right. As for others its the way of the internet.
Parker, where is Valemcia? is that a typo for Valencia, California?
I seem to remember

CODY saying the same thing before he left.
I would'nt even think of doing hood work because of everything that PARKER posted but i knew that before he posted.

It's just to hard to put the silly string back in the can.
Parker maybe a little input to help shape the stuff you've been lurking at would have helped this contractor.
You say you have been watching for a long time.
You dont sit by a broken rail track and wait for a train to de-rail and then complain about the train hitting your SUV.
It's just to late by then.
The type of work i do wont get a million $$ place to go up in flames. Your's will.
Get involved with the fight to get better trainning or get out of the game.
The way i see it your lucky they even try to go to any school.
There are 100's in the reg PW industry that dont start out washing with nothing more then the owner's manuel that came with the wash unit.
Take a grass cutter and give him a BOBCAT. Now he's a landscaper. No trainning he just bought a bobcat.
H is now in a whole diffrent industry. He will give away the first couple of jobs then find that it takes money to own/run that babcat. Then he will see others charging more and bring everything up in price.
The diffence between you and I.
I would'nt be talking to this guy through a bbs. I would be at his house.
This contractor prob. dos'nt even know he's leaving 1000's of dollors on the table.
I think i would try and buy him out and hire him.
FLEETWASH dose this all the time.

Had a copany call me yesterday they hadnt used me in 6 mos or so, he said he liked the way i cleaned the equipment and wonted me to start doing them again, every 3mos. so i went up $10 per hr on him.

these 190 units your doing every 3 mos and your droping your price $70 per so that = $13,300 per cleaning X 4 = $53,200 for the year.

So stop doing them and youll only lose $38,000 and in 3 mo youll be doing them again. Over the next 5 years you will lose $266,000 and this is your profit, at $135 per unit it will only drag you down.

A guy that makes the kind of money that you do and drives a HUMMER , Iam sure you put some of this money in the BANK, i know i save money for hard times

As one who is new to the pressure washing business, I'd like to make a point or two. Let me preface by saying I don't do hoods and I'm not looking to do hoods. Who knows if that will change in the future.

Granted, there are guys out there who think they can go buy a Home Depot pressure washer and some bleach and start a pressure washing business. A lot of them think it is great that they can make $20.00/hour doing it, since it is a lot better than the $8.00/hour they were making working for someone else. A lot of them also aren't doing things correctly and will wind up either damaging someone's stuff or going out of business.

Those are the guys who for the most part don't come here. Then there are those of us who want to get into this business the right way, who want to learn how to do things the right way, and who want to keep prices fair for everyone. Why would I want to make $20.00/hour when a lot of guys are making $50.00+/hour? Am I thinking I can grab a Home Depot pressure washer and some bleach and have a pressure washing company overnight? No, I don't think that, thanks in large part to the information I have been able to get from this board. I have been "starting" this business for three months now, and have yet to land the first job. Why is that? Because I have been spending that time learning from the wealth of information generous people have posted here. I have spent that time finding and purchasing a quality pressure washing rig, and playing with that so I know the particulars of my equipment. I have spent that time ordering samples of chemicals and trying them out on my own stuff, so when I screw up it is my stuff I screw up, not someone else's. I'm working towards getting started in the spring, with a HELL of a lot better foundation of information than I would have had this board not been here.

You say people shouldn't share information, since it is a "secret". How else is a guy like me going to learn, short of going to work for someone else making $8.00/hour? That $8.00 hour isn't going to pay my bills, and I don't think I'm going to find a job working part time doing pressure washing at night and on weekends for someone else. There are quite a few guys on here who started out part time while working regular jobs, and who learned a lot of the basics from this and other boards. They also seem to want to improve the industry by doing things the right way and by keeping prices fair.

If everyone who shares information here just stopped helping people like me, you'll wind up with a lot of people like me who are going to do it anyway, but without the benefit of the guidance that so many here are selflessly willing to give. I've seen a lot of people tell others like myself "Call me, and I'll help you with that". To me, that kind of guidance and help is valuable. I can muddle it out on my own, or I can learn from someone who has already muddled it out on their own.

That's not to say that there is any substitute for hands on experience. The difference between someone like me and someone without the benefit of this board is that when I start getting the hands on experience, I'll already have a certain amount of knowledge of what to do and what not to do. The other guy will have to muddle through it on his own and hopefully won't screw up anyone's stuff too badly in the process.

What are you going to do about lowballers? Nothing. I agree with Clean County in that your reputation is going to speak for itself. If a lowballer steals an account but doesn't have the equipment, knowledge, or experience to do the job correctly, that job will very likely wind up back in your hands after while, or in the hands of some other qualified person. There's always going to be guys with a cheap pressure washer in the back of their truck trying to underbid jobs. I don't see that networking is going to make them stop.


I have been in the PW industry for 8 years. And I agree with you completely. I'll tell you why. I have had similar problems that you have, even though the dollar amount is different. And through a lot of hard work, and fighting. I have done what people in my area say couldn't be done. I have reduced the number of accounts my lowballing idiot competetor has only one account left in my area. This goal was achieved after a lot of political networking. I have to give thanks to the state and local health department for finally listening, and learning what to look for. Thanks to these folks the last two weeks have trippled my business. You see, Parker has a valid point. Just because your certified doesn't mean jack. What it really comes down to is are you doing the job right on every job. My prices are from 250 to 350 a piece. And with this I am doing fine. See my point is, I really don't care about what the guys are pricing as long as they are doing a quality job, it's when they ONLY clean the hood, and NOT the shaft or the fan is where I get upset. This is where the health department comes into the whole thing. They have littlerly closed down 12 resturants due to being filthy, and they were cleaned last month. So you see, it's not about price as much as it's about quality.
All the bids I lost to Joe’S…….

This Joe guy is every where. I have been doing this 19 years and I can say Joe was around since I started. I remember when I was Joe. Fortunately for myself my family has always owned their own business so it’s all I have ever known. My father warned me about Joe long before I started. He was the guy that told me not to be Joe. (Thanks Dad)

My father informed me don’t win customers on price. Winning a bid solely on price is no good.

Joe beat you, I’m sorry you feel that you had no defense. You’re upset about a customer that you never had a solid relationship with to begin with. If you had then you could have talked with them and saved them some heartache. Please don’t get mad again at what I’m about to tell you. Its your fault, not this BBS. We all look for excuses when we fail, stop making excuses and get yourself a plan to get this customer you should have never lost.

If I told you week before last a large customer of mine was approach by a contractor 19 days into his business and slashed my prices by two thirds would you believe me? As a matter of fact I was called into regional office to discuss the situation. This guy was proposing to clean these location for 1/3 the cost. I sat in the chair and listens to them tell me what this guy was charging. I also was told he was expanding what we had been doing and would offer more bang for the buck. I sat and listened to them tell all the wonderful things JOE was going to do. Then one of the management team spoke up. He said Ron your quite. I replied guys if you want to give this guy a try knock you shocks off. They stopped me, they said we wanted to talk with you about this because this Joe guy has been hitting the local management. We have been getting memos about why are we spending three times the money with your company? He went on to say we have a guy 19 days in business and you with 19 years and we need a justification as to why we are using you? He goes onto say Ron we have went to the videotape of my guys at this location. We realize the time you are spending and have never had an issue we could not resolve. He also replied that my safety record over the last 10 years was flawless. The bottom line was is that my relationship with this customer and my analysis of actual costs saved me from JOE. I walked out of the meeting and one of the managers told me if I had moved on my price they where going to give JOE a shot. The reason was that if I had moved on my price then I had really been over charging and my price analysis was not accurate. I have learned that if you recant your original price they think your robbing them. I hold firm, I have never got the work on something I ever adjusted.

The bottom line is that I had a strong relationship and my customer was educated to what I was delivering and they understood that my competition was promising something that they would fail at.

Parker, I’ve been in your shoes and have made the mistakes. Educate your customers before JOE gets to your customer. If you have built a strong relationship and have educated the customer you will not loose them to JOE.

We can all blame the BBS and your father or mother for being and alcoholic, but in reality we only have ourselves to blame when we loose a customer.

I don’t win every battle but I make sure I win the ones I need to. No work is a guarantee that’s why we make more than a guy working a job from nine too five. We assume risk and gamble that from day to day we may loose a customer here and gain another there.

Parker, the networking thing is great idea. If you have read one of my posts on the PWNA forum you know that one of my largest customers is one of my fellow pressure washers.

If you propose to stops JOES how will you do it? If trying to educate JOES that they cant charge peanuts rite here is the answer.


If your upset about the new people having dreams of one-day owning there own legitimate busz? I’m not with you on stopping that. These people for the most part are hard working guys that have no formal education or experience and just need to understand that they are worth more.

If you want to be mad at someone call Steve Forbes and complain about having this business venture in Forbes as being one of the hottest starts up businesses.

I watch them come and go and don’t complain, I just wait and be ready when there done and mop up.

I truly am sorry for your misfortunate experience. I do have other methods and ideas I have learned to use to prevent this. The keyword here is prevent, Once Joe’s gets them he will keep them awhile.

Parker, call me I might be able to help? Cell 602-694-2680

Rob, I agree quality is the best route, customers need to know the difference. That’s where educating your customer protects you from JOE>>>>
This is an interesting thread.
I have been in business about the same aount of time as Parker. I started in October of 89. So that makes about 13 years and a couple of months.
There are a lot of idiots in this industry. I have seen them,a nd I know who I consider to be on the less blessed side of intelligence. I have also seen brand spanking newbies post and could see those whose equipment would be for sale at a "bargain" price in a coupel of months, and those that I could feel would succeed. I have also seen some that alls they seem to do is troll the boards and get information and then share what they know with everyone, and you later discover that their thriving business is maybe $30k a year, and they whine about low ballers.
I get sick of it from time to time, and feel the compulsion to stop posting. Sometimes I will go for months without posting on most of the boards, and sometimes I will go through spurts and post a lot. It just depends on my mood, and a lot on who is doing the asking.
There are a few points that Parker made that I think are interesting. He is losing the account to a guy that chopped his prices by a third. I have had the same thing happen when Fleetwash came to town. I quickly learned how to make a profit (and a higher percentage) and to drive them a little nuts. I have also lost accounts because a guy was charging more than me. They thought that since he was more expensive, he must do a better job. He didn't, but that was the perception.
I go out nearly every day and wash with my crew. They hate it, I am demanding, I expect everyone to work as hard as I do, and expect them to be honest. If they don't they are gone, usually because they quit. I start them out low, but realistically, I raise them fast. If they are not worht another dollar an hour in a month or two, I have learned to show them the door.
But I digress.
Parker, the boards are not the total problem. The problem is that your local "competition" does not have the understanding of the business that you do. A lot of people have learned this business from the ground up. Some succeed, and some fail. Usually the ones that fail are the ones that are so intent on not paying anything for their equipment that they are always shopping for their first rig. They are also the ones that think that it looks easy, so why can't I do that.
Your guy thinks that everyone makes too much money, so he will charge less and get every job. You need to go and tell your customer that he needs to check for the guys insurance, he needs to verify his experience through references, and they need to pop the filters off to see if he really did clean the duct work. They sure don't want a fire, and that should be enough to convince them that he really is not doing that great of a job. If it is a large company, give them a breakdown. I wouldn't do it with a Mom and Pop joint, because most would not understand it. That might help.
I have had the same customer fire me 4 times in the past 4 years. Every time he fires me, I raise the rates a little, and I show him where the previous guys damaged his trucks. I think he is mine to keep now, but that could change tomorrow. The point is, you need to keep going back to customers that you have lost, odds are, tehy will remember that you were reliable and did good work, and eventually you can get back in.
Then again, a 2x4 to the head of this knucklehead might solve the problem as well.

My e-mail is and my cell phone number is 602-509-9741
let him go with a smile and a handshake


Just let the account go...he'll be back once he has tried the lowballer.

Shake his hand, thank him for his business and smile.:)

This isn't actually Rob, I happen to be his "girlyfriend" and I may have no place here but I got interested when he recieved a "replied to post" message in my outlook.

Parker? You drive a hummer and are saddend to let your mechanic go? Now that is lowballing! Sell your hummer for cost and you got your money you have lost off this account.

Could you tell us how you started out? How often did you fail a job or not do it to its expectations (whether that be your own or your accounts expectations)? Damn, if you would have only known that this chem works better than the other, you could have saved all that scraping! People come to these boards to learn and hope for little failure.

Lets now call this board "The Dummies guide to Powerwashing"

You talk about how you scrape at grease and blah blah. Rob got an account he spent 4 (yes 4) days doing because the vent system hadn't been cleaned properly in the ten years they had been open. His quality of work is outshining the others. Just the otehr day, he was in to the place he gets some of his equip and ran into one of his competitors whom questioned why Rob does the job he does, as "no one ever really checks it all". This guy is actually traveling all the way down to Texas to do jobs and why? Because he can't do the job Rob does.

If Rob wants an account, all he has to do is take the management up to the roof, pull off the "thingy mujig" and show them exactly what they have been paying for! He gots the job for whatever price he wants.

You Parker say that this man does a good job? He happens to have jsut taken one of your accounts. That is sad, as even though yu state he is a lowballer, he may just be doing the job right (or they are just cheapasses who don't care how well the job is done). As others mentioned, they will be back. I imagine it won't be long before he can't keep up with these accounts and cannot keep the help that can actually do a job well. It won't be long before he realizes the fuel costs of the traveling expenses, the equipment breakage, and not meet all the needs with the customer satisfaction.

As far as the whole industry goes. Robs correct on the fire marshall, health department, etc... It took him several phone calls and leads but he has finally worked out an agreement with inspectors. Now they are trading services. If the fire tech inspector (whatever his proffesional name is) goes in and see's the hood isn't done properly, he gives them Robs biz card. If Rob goes in to do a job and they ask about their fire system servicing, Rob gives them their card. All Rob has to do now, through alot of communicating with the proper people, is alert them of jobs not being properly done and once this account finds that out, Rob has it!

This last year has been pretty succesful for him, opened up alot of doors. How he got started, well...he was probably that lowballer too who went in it thinking he could make a quick buck and I dare anyone to not admit they went into it the same way. Unless you worked for someone that you later became their had NO knowledge of how a job was to be properly done.

Give Joe a 18 years, he may be a Parker.
If "these boards" as you put it disgust you so much why do you hang out a read them? What possible purpose could you have for reading something you seem to hate so much?
I would think that if you could afford to lower your price to meet the competition then maybe you were over charging to begin with. I simply know at what point I break even and try to add proffit from there. If a situation does not help me meet my goal then I don't touch it. I can't see how you benefit by lowering your prices by a third, I also don't think that you will be able to raise them back up again as you stated you would do after Joe screws up. Why would they allow you to do that?
This same situation has happened to me more times than I can count. I had a guy a few years back go to every restuarnt and offer to do the job for 20% less than the last invioce. He got some of my accounts, some called me just to let me know what he was doing and to tell me the threw him out the door. He lasted a year and 1/2.
I got many calls from places after he had been there asking me to lower my price or they would use the other guy, which I never did. I was alway nice about it and left them with a if I can be of any help in the future give me a call I will be here.
I now have most of those places back and for more than I was doing them for before.

I have alway found that if I worry more about what I am doing and less about the other guy I am better off.
Hey I like Rob’s girlfriend, my wife just wan't to know why my office isn't cleaner. lol
We've all got pictures of his work, if we just keep whittling away at his customer base he'll be gone soon enough. Actually, I heard a rumor that he might be selling! Go for it Matt!
O.K., here we go!

Clean county,

I realize that sharing information (internet, etc.) is a losing battle. I am not trying to stop it nor am I ignorant enough to think that will happen. My point is to be selective in how and to who sensitive information about the industry is given. Not to encourage newbies to move foward in the wrong direction but to give them realistic direction in what it really takes to do the job right.

Impeccable reputation is my middle name. At least that is my goal. You are very correct about that. More often then not establishing a very good reputation (in whatever business or industry your in) is its own problem solver. My focus has been and will continue to be in this direction.


"Insurance companies are going to be the only ones who can stop this!" Are you nuts? Insurance companies don't know their head from their ass!. My form of insurance is the peace of mind that you could put a flame thrower in a system I just cleaned and nothing will happen because there is no grease. I pay thousands of dollars of year for a piece of paper that says your covered for $2,000,000.00. That piece of paper is a legality typed up by my agent who makes $15.00 an hour and doesn't know crap about the P.W. or hood cleaning industry. Educating insurance companies and trying to have them resolve these issues is "RECOCKULOUS."

I am sorry that you apparently lived by some train tracks and a train fell off and you saw a broken rail and it hit your SUV or whatever. (Read Ron's first reply). I am even more sorry for that terrible analogy you gave.

The difference between you and I is your poor judgements. You better believe I will be talking to this guy. In a very professional manner I will take a meeting with him, discuss the situation, and then tell him to raise his damn prices!. Seriously, I would not state my problem on this board and say "O.K., I have done all I can do!" Successful business is made up of problem solvers. Effiecient problem solvers are the ones focusing on the true root of the problem. "Joe" is the true root of this problem and that is where my energies will go.

Mellow 44,

You have put the numbers that I have done in a nutshell. Yes I am losing mostly profit. Yes I could refuse to drop my price and lose the ENTIRE account. Then instead of laying off 1, I now layoff 3 maybe 4 guys. These guys have committed to me and I will commit to them. They have shown loyalty and dedication and they should expect no less from me. That means I cut my price, and I make about three dollars off each job. But, they keep their jobs, their benefits, and their bonuses. I don't look at it like jobs come and go, but instead like profit comes and goes. I lose my profits for a while but I retain some excellent workers who were NOT easy to find.

Services are more than four times a year so the dollar amount yearly is higher. Yes if I had to bet on these accounts, I'd say I'll be doing them again in three to six months, and my profit will be back to normal and we will all be happy. Until then yes I have saved a few dollars for a rainy day!

Your comments are appreciated and respected. You sound new, and you sound like you have a true interest in "doing it right". Yes your right, I am sure there are hundrerds of guys out there who don't come on these boards and are doing crappy jobs and lowballing. We all seem to have seen them at some time or another. But for every legitimate guy such as yourself, there are 20 idiots ruining the reputaion you are trying to establish. And some, not all of those idiots are on these boards. As I mentioned in my first post, you have to start somewhere.

I didn't say people shouldn't share information. (or at least I didn't mean to) I said they should be selective on who recieves the information. Yes you are my competitor, so by my own nature I don't want to just hand out everything I know and have learned to you. On the other hand if you are legitimate, and A TRUE ASSET TO THE INDUSTRY, then I would encourage your business and help. But that is where the more private networking takes place.

I am sorry but you asking " well what am I supposed to do?. or how do I survive on $8.00 an hour", doesn't cut it with me. In my first post I said ask yourself some questions like, How hard are you willing to work, what are you willing to sacrafice, ethics, morals, etc., Well what is your answer?. If you answer is I will do whatever it takes, I will work harder than anyone else, I will do it right, then you will find a way to be succesful. Everyones situation on how they started their business is completley different. Find your approach to being succesful and employ it.

It is ignorant to say "Well if I don't get help on this board I am just going to do it anyays." You can and will get the information you need if you want to. There are plenty on this board who's value I am sure you regard. There is no substitue for experience but help along the way makes the mistakes a little less painful.

You sound like the kind of guy who will be great for the industry so I wish you the BEST of luck. On the other hand I don't know you from Jack so there is a gap there that more private networking woud cover. It sounds like you have latched on to a couple of the smarter, succesful people on this board so I would say you are doing it right. Finally, I direct my statment primarly at the hood cleaning industry. Hopefully nobody will disagree with me that getting into P.W. is a much easier task then getting into hood cleaning. Sure there are plenty of idiots in both industries, but succesfully tapping the P.W. side is much easier then tapping the hood cleaning side.

max rob,

sounds like we are on the same side. I meet regularly with fire marshalls (and the goofy guys who actually do the restaraunt inspections) and it has had positive results. You are correct, Do an EXCELLENT job and don't worry about rpice. It doesn't seem like a complicated idea but it is dumbfounding how few people have actually figured that out!

Ron, Ron, Ron,

It is no wonder some people refuse to even talk to you on these boards. Your comments are soooo judgemental and misconcieved.

Ron said " You are upset about a customer you never had a solid relationship with." That is AMAZING (total sarcasm) insight for a guy who knows NOTHING about me or my business. MY relationship with my customer is stronger than you will ever know. Unfortunately their turnover of upper management people is quite high. This means a new guy comes in every couple of months and has his own idea of how things are going to work. This particular restaraunt corporation's stock has been doing miserable, which has snowballed into cutting costs and so on. I didn't want to have to get into all this but your ignorance leaves me little choice.

Call this my fualt if you want to I don't care but I gurantee you I have had a plan to get customers back BEFORE I ever lose them. And I am certainly not looking to blame you, this board or somebody else. I take responsiblitly for my life, my kids, and especially my business. I am posting facts about what has happened and my opinions as a result!

If I actually went through the process of what I do to educate my customers on our service it would boggle your mind!. I go above and beyond, and the details are far too extensive to list for you. Much of my success is due to educationg my customers. When I start an account the manager doesn't even know what hood cleaning is, when I am done they could start their own business. (oops maybe I educated them too much)

Ron I don't want to get into judgements of how my business is run. I don't criticize yours so don't critisize mine. I don't blame your mother and father for being an alcholic, and I don't blame this BBS for me losing my profits. My goal as you put it in your second post is to educate!

I appreciate your concern for this problem I have had. Maybe I overstated its intensity to try to drive my point home. I will solve this problem just like the 20 others I have going on at any given time. (Does anyone know how to calm a 2 year old with 3 molars poking through, a fever, and runny nose?)- thats a real problem and I blame this BBS entirely!


I have read several of your posts in the past and respect your input and business practices. It is refreshing to hear that you as an owner are not the only one driving your emplyees nuts. Bottom line is my emplyees are not going to work as hard as I do. That is the nature of the beast. So when I go out with them I work intensly at 120%. Usually they can't keep up. I hope this rubs off on them so that when they are on their own, my 120% of intensity translates into 98% intensity out of them. They truly understand why I am the owner and they respect the work I do. This helps burn the bad employees quickly and helps me retain the guys who work hard. This is why if I have to I will cut my price just to make sure these guys keep their jobs!.

I certainly agree with you that these baords are not the total problem. Probably not even 10% of the problem. I aso agree with you that this guy thinks he can undercut everyones price and prosper. He just doesn't know!. I will inform him. My account is VERY strict in insurances (must issue an additional insured certificate every 6 months) proof of workers comp., auto and liabiltiy proof and bonding. This leads me to believe this guy has enough smarts to have this(he has to to do these units) but he must live in his work truck and eat top ramen!

EVERYBODY who rehires me gets a price increase. That is my little gift to them. I am glad to see you do the same.

Such violence as a 2 x 4 to the head is uncalled for. But then again my middle name is "uncalled for" so when I meet with him I will have you sitting around the corner with that 2x4 incase I need to "uncall" for it!

You have a great approach to this business and you are obviously very succesfull at what you do!


yes that is probably exactly what will happen

Max robs girlfriend,

Sorry honey, I have worked harder for my hummer than you will ever know. I have earned it so I am keeping it! I said in my post I will bid more accounts and get new contracts to keep my mechanic. Hopefully you don't consider that lowballing too.

You asked how did I start out. I worked for a company for almost three years. I picked up on every detail I could. I took notes, asked my supervisors question, watched, learned and applied every resource you could possibley imagine to learning the skill.
Then I went to the owners and said, I can make your company great. Pay me what I am worth and I will quadruple your revenues. They said no and thank god they did!

But that was all the easy part! Cause then I started on my own. Have you ever been in a chinese restaraunt that hasn't been cleaned in five years. Cockroaches and bugs everywhere, including in the hoods, Grease so thick you could use it to pave roads. A job you wouldn't touch for less than $2,000.00 and the owner says $250.00 or forget it. Well that is what I did. I knew I had as much work with this type of retaruant as I wanted and it would get me off the ground. And let me tell you there is NO chemical that works on this stuff. Scraping by hand and airpowered chisels, and then by day 3 I would actually power wash.

Bottom line is I knew if I could hack it with these untis I could do ANYTHING. And I did. For almost 2 years I worked these crappy, infested, don't ever eat there restaraunts, until I could finally landed some better accounts. Did I work harder then most? yes. Did I need to work that hard? no. Was it a personal measure of my own potential success? yes.

Here is the single day I knew I would be succesful at this business. Lets face it the chinese restaraunt owners have a tendency to be very cheap. After finishing two days of work at one of these terrible untis the owner acutally gave me a fifty dollar tip. Those guys do not give up money easily! That happened at least ten times of the 100 oriental restaurants I did. It was all down hill from there.

Rob sounds like an impressive asset to the industry. He works very hard, makes the right connections, and utilizes his resources which as you said is opening doors now. Was Rob the lowballing Joe when he started out? Well I don't know, was he? Probably not. If he has the business sense and success you say he has now, then thats representative of a guy who does his homework before he gets involved and knows what he is doing.
Lowballer Joe and thriving rob are not the same guys!

Sorry, Joe gets no breaks from me, he hasn't earned it.


Where did I say that these boards disgust me?

Quote me accurately from my post and then I will dignify a response. Ah screw it, here is me response. The idea that I am overcharging is absurd. Anyone on this board who knows what they are doing in the hood cleaning idustry will agree. Yes this guy probably is short term just like the guys you have encountered but only time will tell.


letting the account go means letting good workers go and I just am not willing to do that yet. I started in valencia but cover a much larger area now. I understand your reluctancy in cleaning up Joes mess. The pictures you post are fantastic!. I have no desire to relive my oriental restaruant days and they would never pay what I would charge them now.

Your pictures do that, expose him and I get chills seeing some of them taking me back to the HARD days. But if it meant of getting rid of goofball joe, I would invite the back breaking work. Maybe trying to educate people would be a little bit easier.

I also do digital video of EVERY store we service. Each manager gets an e-mailed before and after photo of our work the following day. Keep posting your pics, they are great!
Parker... or whoever you are or say you are. Speaking of which, you have very little information about yourself in your profile.

First of all, you say you have been on these boards for eight years and this is your first post. Ok, I believe that. But you have made no contributions in the form of posting. Then this is what you post first... Ok. So basically, you just take from the people here and contribute nothing... is this accurate?

Next you are talking about the low-ballers. I have to agree, they suck! However you are talking about 190 locations that this guy low-balled you on. That's a big job to lowball and if Joe got them talking to you about your price and they are ready to make a change, it sounds like Joe has a plan and some goals. Usually low-ballers in my field are new to the industry. I do know that there are Joes out there right now that are going to be putting a lot of hood cleaning business out of business and the same in the pressure washing of fleets. These guys are businessmen that play the numbers game.

I still am going to drive my Hummer around town and not lose any sleep about my 7 miles to the gallon fuel economy.
>>>> Ok. LOL. Now you go on to brag about poor fuel economy and your hummer. Anybody I know who has purchased a hummer, regrets it once they drive it around a little bit. They have a chevy diesel??? LOL. They are too big to park and the sole reason people buy the hummer today is because they want to be noticed. Lacking in some other area and need to draw attention is what I think. That is the case with most of my acquaintances that drive them. Labron James was a gift (not my aquaintence).

I was really interested in reading what you had to say until you bragged about poor fuel economy and your Hummer. LOL.... you go girl... cracking me up.

Well I sat there and read your post Mr. Parker or whomever you claim to be and I must have seen something that some of the others on this board missed.

Business is business Mr. Parker and it seems as though it is finally got to you to make a post like that. I have made similar posts and have been pissed about things like you mentioned also, but I have learned. Learned that you cannot discredit anyone for having a dream and trying.

We all have to start somewhere. Look at Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie and Abe Lincoln. These weren't men of education, they simply had a dream and they went after it. They were businessmen and became successful. They were Joes'. There are people who start from scratch with little or no knowledge and because they are good businessmen, can build a business that is very successful but know nothing about the business they are doing. Henry Ford was no engineer. He simply hired the education he needed to pursue his goals.

I respect the fact that this is America and there is free enterprise. I also respect anyone who is willing to try and willing to spend their time surfing these boards for that specialized knowledge that they don't already have. Anyone who is willing to risk being his or her own boss is doing something that most won’t. I would much rather nurture and help them along so they can be an asset to the industry rather than a headache.

What have you done Parker? You haven't posted any or your knowledge in the past, you drive a hummer and brag about it; you call your competition idiots because you lost an account. Your post has given me the impression that you are very selfish and if you could walk around with a ruler showing off your size, you would and you'd brag about it.

About your network... I don't know you and I won't judge but from what I have read, your network is not something I would want to be any part of. It's silly. You're silly. Good luck! It's all about you Parker, I can see that, right through the black and white.

I did not make this post to discredit anyone but black and white is black and white. I don't know Parker. He hasn't even posted his email or information, he is a faceless whiner as far as what I can see and I personally agree with some of the things he says but disagree with how he says it. This isn't saying that I too have made posts when I was angry and upset.

All being said, why don't you come out of whatever closet you are in and join in the community and be apart of a solution. Trying to discourage Joe to not jump before he is ready is going to be like trying to re-write the bible.

The solution is not a post like you posted... I see your frustration and I understand where you are coming from and this 190 account is probably going to hurt your business more than you let on to us... much more.

Anyway, I spoke my peace and my opinion. Hopefully Parker you will simply stop taking and start giving. In giving, you will receive. That has been proven again and again.

Good luck with those 190 and I hope things work out for you.
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Ok I’ll give you that, you did not actually say, “these boards disgust me”, however, your general tone and seemingly endless supply of arrogance would suggest that. Not that being arrogant is necessarily a bad thing, hell arrogance has been used to describe me a time or two. I think anyone who sets out to start a business must be somewhat arrogant. I guess it is up to the individual how they choose to use it. To each his own.
I will be the first to admit that something typed into a bb does not always translate well. I would also suggest that if you were going to post asking for help (i.e. networking) maybe a less confrontational manner would be the way to go. First impressions! I also expect that if my first impression was close than what I have to say won’t matter to you at all. That’s fine too.
As you stated while referring to one of the other replies, “I don’t know you from Adam”, and I guess I could be way off base here, again first impressions.

Are you retarded?

One of the main reasons I have never posted is because of guys like you. You get into attacking the poster, getting totally off topic about the issue at hand and everything gets misguided, misdirected, and misconcieved.

But then I have a desire to defend what I am saying and and we are off to the races.

You said "Parker, or whoever you are - you don't have very much information in your profile."

Your conotation like I am trying to decieve who I am is idiotic. I don't need to prove who I am to you or anyone else. I am sorry you think you need to read my profile to establish my credibility. Those are your own shortcomings.

you said "I take from people and contribute nothing here."

I have taken NOTHING from this board. It is a resource for many people-fine. It is not a resource for me as it has never provided me with business altering information or a breakthrough in how hoods should be cleaned. (I am not ragging in this board, or its members). There very well may be guys who do it better than I do because there is always someone better than you, but I have created my process myself, not by what I have taken on this board.

Entertainment value is what I get out of this board. You are a big part of that entertainment. It is fun to see bryans pictures of enourmously screwed up hoods. Its humorous to listen to poor judgements you make.

Justin before you reply you need to read the post twice. I DID NOT say this guy lowballed me on 190 units. I said I service 190 units and he lowballed other untis that I don't service in another area. (But they are connected through their facilities deparment.) Did I not make that clear in my first post or did you just read it poorly!

Dude, you mentioned my hummer three times in your post. What is your problem? Lets just pretend I never said anything about a hummer!.
No wait, I have to reply to your ignorant judgements.

I am sorry your freinds regret buying a hummer. I am not your friend. I am sorry your friends only buy a hummer to get noticed, maybe you should find some better friends. Maybe I have an H1 not an H2. Maybe the H1 Does come with a diesel engine. Maybe I bought it used, so that I could travel up to my property in the mountians so I could fish and hunt. (no roads where I go)
But I digress, your poor assumptions characterize the kind of person you are. If you or ANYONE thinks I was bragging about my hummer I sincerely apologize. My intent was to tell you that if I cut my price it is not going to effect my lifestyle, but the posted issue is still frustrating.
you siad
"Ford, Carnegie, and Lincoln weren't men of education."
Who cares! I don't consider myself a man of education nor do I compare myself anywhere close to these guys. We are talking about hood cleaning here, not infamous presidents and economically responsible auto manufactures. Get real dude, and use an analogy that has realistic representaion of the issue we are talking about.

Your problem my firend is that you are all about black and white. Trying to caterogorize people, buiness, life in black and white forces you to say "well it is either this or its that. That is ignorant. It means you have set your own peramiters and you will judge things and force what you have judged into that peramiter. Good luck with such a narrow minded approach to your philosophy of black and white.

you siad
"losing your 190 accounts is going to hurt you much more then you let on to us.... much more".

read the post dude. I did not lose the 190 accounts. If you are going to use your "black and white" approach, at least get your information straight. It leaves you with no credibility.

you siad,
"Trying to discourage joe from jumping into the industry is like trying to re- write the bible"
WOW! you are right and I have seen the light. what was i thinking. I should try to rewrite the bible then I will try to fix Joe. Thanks for helping me with my priorities. Your analogies are embarassing!
you said
"hopefully I will stop taking and start giving"

You have NO idea what I give. And what can you prove (without ignorant poor judgment) what I have taken.

Thanks for your wish of luck and I am sure things will turn out just fine.


I am sorry for the tone of arrogance. I am trying to drive a point home and my approach could certainly be a little more delicate. You are right things rarely translate well on this board (especailly issues like this) and then people think they know you inside and out.
First impressions, (especially typed over a keyboard) do not mean squat. Most of my closest friends I could not stand when I first met them. Then when I learn who they are, I realize they are outstanding people and my first impression was way off base. But Oh well.

Thanks for your opnion and suggestions. You are very correct in what you say!
First, let me give you a quick overview of what I have seen on these boards. I have been reading these boards since the Delco board 8 years ago. In my opinion there are a FEW smart, ethical, hardworking, succesful businessmen in this topics industry who contribute to this board. Then there are the idiots. I won't point out any names because it is only my opinion but I am sure if you have been reading this board (and all the others) your opinions wouldn't differ too far from mine.

Parker how dare you speak for the rest of us, we all have different opinions so mine might be totally different then yours. As will Scott Stone, Ron M., Justin, Ron P. and all the others. EIGHT years you come and read, you learn what? you contribute what? Do you think we are all that dumb to believe that remark?

I have been in business for 13 years. This year our goal his to hit one million in revenues for the first time. We run 8 trucks (no subcontracting) and our primary focus is hood cleaning

Dare to tell us your business name and real city and state? Or are you afraid we might find out your not being honest with us?

Now you must understand something. I charge a VERY reasonable price for these type of units. Under $200.00 and that is a little low.
Whose to decide if your prices are fair or low, each of us has our own prices and I doubt we would publish our true prices. Most give an range but not exactly what they charge.

Unless I go out and bid more accounts, sign new contracts, and get more business. And you can bet your ass that is exactly what I am going to do! But here is why I am pissed. Accounts come and ago I understand and except that.

Then what is your problem to start with if you understand you win some and lose some. Seems to me your upset because someone else under bid you and you lost an account, tough luck.

Joe has an epiphany as he pushes his $250.00 surface cleaner down the sidewalk with no water reclamation

Now you talk like Joe, $250 for a surface cleaner, ah now that is where the stolen stuff went!. If you do hoods please tell the rest of us how you seems to know what we do, you follow us around? if you did you would see many of us do reclaim but then do you? Oh sorry I don't do hoods so am not aware of the procedure.

Maybe someday certification, true licensing and informed firemashalls
I could be wrong but I think there are certification for this field and licenses and I would say the Fire Marshalls know their jobs well. Perhaps you have been lucky not to have one inspect your work yet.

We can limit the amount of Joes who enter our industry by NOT NOT NOT NOT offering them free training. Not encourging Joe by reinforcing his high school GED diploma with a "Sure you can do it attitude". If you want to rob somebody for ten or twenty grand and teach them for a week you are not helping either. All you did is train the Joe who inhereited twenty grand from his aunt and your scamming them.

As Ron M. said the Joes have been around more years then he has been in business and you will not stop them, my advice is ignore them but they seem to be eating you alive, could be their work is better then you think it is OR yours is slipping. Either way get used to them.
As for all the Joes not having an education or a "sure you can do it attitude" I bet you had/have an I CAN DO IT ATTITUDE TOO or you would not be in business, right?

$20,000 grand for a weeks schooling to learn pressure washing, now I know you don't pay attention to the boards, even Delco charges less then half that and they are expensive. Now there is a class by Dusty you can take for that amount of money, oh wait I bet that is the class you took so your upset about the fact you got robbed.
The bottom line is these boards are good for only a couple things. General information shared between people in their industry and I do mean general.

So far you have shared nothing new with us, we have read all what you said before, so why not say something new? WELL is there anything you really can add that no one already knows?

I did not think so, but that chip on your shoulder is might big and Joe knows how to keep there and keep you upset enough to take all your accounts. Learn from Joe and you might be around another 13 years, oh so will Joe.

If your one of those guys who agree with me and want to send this industry in a positive direction and weed out some of these guys who either haven't earned a spot or don't belong in this industry

This goes against the type of person I am but yes I would indeed like to weed out YOU, you do not belong with your attitude of snobbishness and holier then others attitude.

We welcome good post, we welcome all here but to come out with your forth post, yes it shows you have posted 3 times before this one but you come out fighting the world, you won't win so give up and enjoy life more.

I am not going to waste more time with the rest of your post, it is all NEGATIVE anyway.

I as others do not believe your name is Parker, not for one moment and I also don't care what you drive, I am not impressed by the type of car someone has.

Now tell us the truth about you, who you really are, where you really are and you might find we can be nice to you.

As for hood cleaning, maybe I will get some plastice and tape, and a bucket and scraper and some spray gunk and out do you one your jobs too! Oh wait I can't as I am pushing my $250 surface cleaner and not reclaiming water so I need to tend to that first, no time for hoods so your in luck.

Oh before I sign off tell us one thing Parker, when you first got into this business 13 years ago, did you know it all OR where you a Joe too?
