Just blabbering


Old Sister
Think about this...

Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we
are working for or running could easily replace us in a matter of days.
But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest
of their lives.

And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work
than to our own family, an unwise investment indeed,
don't you think?

And we often treat strangers and co-workers better than
members of our family.

Do you know what the word FAMILY means?

Dear Muddtoe

I lost my Dad this past Friday at 4:30 pm. It was his first day in home hospice care and I was with him when he died. I'm very lucky in that I live close to him and got to see him constantly and always looked for excuses to hangout with him.

The man was my idol. He always rooted for the underdog, had the most consideration for his fellow human beings, and made me laugh right up to his dying minute. He passed away with the same dignity that he displayed in life and I learned so much just watching him endure the awful process of his death (he had asbestos cancer). At the end he kind of just wanted to make sure we could handle everything on his farm, told us all that he loved us and that we were a pretty damn good bunch and silently passed on. It was almost like he was asking us if it was ok if he went.

I can tell you honestly that there was nothing left unsaid between the two of us before he died, and I consider that such a blessing.

Muddtoe your post really hit the mark for me.

Thank You
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here too Booyaa,my hat goes off to you,whats something nobody can take away from you.

My dad was the same,I got to work with him from the time I was knee high to a grasshopper until his death,I had a 8 hour job off the farm but put in 12 hours a day 7 days aweek on the farm by my dads side without no pay,in money that is,no one can take away what dad and I had even tho my mother and sisters stole'd the farm after his death and I'm still laughing my ass off as dad would,he had given it all to me to take care of my mother,sisters and brothers which he knew I would and they agreed.....they set me free hahahahaha dad knew they would in away,,money is not everything man,its being free.

Muddtoe,you hit home here too and I do say I love you alot but next time give me fair warning before I read anymore your post lol
Your storeys were so nice to wake up and read this morning.
Sounds as if both of you have have great familys, and so much to take with you in your life.

In past five years I have lost one dad and 5 close friends. Even tough they are gone I am so glad I knew them and shared all we had.

I suppose I thought of this as my birthday came on me and how I missed so many people gone. When my father passed I not only felt I lost my dad, but I had lost a great friend and mentor.

The only thing I dont like about getting older is loosing people I love in my life, But life does go on .. and I will never forget them. But then I am a bit selfish when I cant call them and hear their voice.

Any way thank-you for your replys. They were touching.
Sorry for your loss Chuck, your dad sounds like a very good man.


Deeply sorry for your loss. Been there. Words won't help, time lets you get somewhat use to it. Be strong and always remember the good times you had. They will bring a smile to your face and a chuckle into your heart.

You and your family will be in my family's prayers.


I was going to say something but Reed said it all.

It sounds like your dad was allot like you. I wonder how that happened :)

Our sincerest sympathy to you and you family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Paul and Nita Freeman

Remy and I offer our condolences to you. As others have said remember the good times always.

Lost mine dad years ago and I still feel his presence within me, I am part him and always will be.
Rod and I extend our deepest sympathies to you and your family. Your father sounds to me like he was a wonderful man who loved his family deeply, and raised his children well.

Beth & Rod
I really appreciate what you guys (and gal) said about my Dad. Funeral and huge party tomorrow.

And to Muddtoe, thx again for starting this thread when you did.