Monthly Ads


New member
Every month we get a local add/coupon paper. Full color, and laid out very nicely. I'm sure every town across america has something similar. I just looked into ours and here is the email I got back from him,

Our book arrives in the mailbox of every home and business in Lima, totalling 31,115 addresses; once per month.. A 1/4 page, full color ad runs $195, which includes all ad layout and design. Let me know when you would like to discuss your ad. The deadline for the March book is Friday, February 20th.
Thanks much!
Dave Daley
The Town Money Saver

A lot of the more popular businesses are advertising in this flyer. Does anyone run their business in a product like this? It seems like a very good price for what you would get and it would hit about 30,500 more home than I would ever be able to do by myself.

Anyway, I'm considering setting up an appointment with him. What are some questions I should be asking. Let me know and I'll write em down.

For that price just try it for 3 months and track your results. I've tried things like it and just like all marketing, I've gotten mixed results. If it's a dud in another market doesn't mean it won't be a homerun in yours, and vice versa.
It all depends on your certain areas people love those things and use them. Agree w Jburd, it can't hurt to try at that price. A good call to action will help.