Muriatic Acid on Vinyl siding


New member
I have a customer who had Muriatic acid sprayed on his white vinyl siding and it left mustard colored stains on the siding. I tried a degreaser, 12.5% SH and NaOH on a couple of small spots. The intensity of the stains was less but the stains remained. Any suggestions???

The Acid came from a well drilling company repairing his pump. I forgot my camera so I have no pictures.
I am not into cleaning houses but many here are. But your question leads me to wonder, Why would a well drilling company use muriatic acid to presumably clean a pump to repair it?
Muriatic EATS metal
I have a customer who had Muriatic acid sprayed on his white vinyl siding and it left mustard colored stains on the siding. I tried a degreaser, 12.5% SH and NaOH on a couple of small spots. The intensity of the stains was less but the stains remained. Any suggestions???

The Acid came from a well drilling company repairing his pump. I forgot my camera so I have no pictures.
Sounds Fishy to me, LOL
SOUNDS like we have an embarassed DIY customer who don't want to admit he COOKED his Vinyl, LOL
Only thing now is to TAKE PICTURES, and put on all our web sites as a REMINDER to cheap DIY types :D
acid on siding

Geez, you guys are a bunch of skeptics, but it is understandable. The well company put the acid down the well and capped it to "knock things lose" over night and then came back the next day pumped it out and then capped it to pump in air and had a cap failure and the acid sprayed onto the siding. That is the story of the home owner and I have know this guy long enough that he would tell me the truth, now for the well guys, I cannot vouch for them. I think the siding will need to be replaced but figured it would not hurt to pose the question.
I looked up vinyl siding resistance to hydrochloric acid, it is very good up to 22 percent, and even good above that!
The acid should NOT have spotted it, I stand corrected!
Assuming the acid "burned" the vinyl, Prosoco sells several products that will reverse burns on brick/concrete - so they should work on the vinyl.

I have seen vinyl "yellow" due to chlorine causing a flash rust. Oxalic acid, diluted more than normal, (I have even downstreamed ox and had it work!) will work.
question? the last 2 houses i washed i put a little borax in the mix, the homes looked much brighter when i finished. or were my eyes just fooling me?