New flier pics

Hey guys ( and girls) I am having keith build me a new flier. I am looking for some better before and after shots of Roofs & Decks. If any one is willing to let me use a pic or two, I would greatly appreciate it.
you can email them to

Thanks again,
I don't do roofs or decks, but if no one offers pics, & you know what you are doing, maybe try the following:

Find a smaller house with a dirty roof, offer them to clean their roof for free in exchange for them letting you put a sign in their front yard for one month. Then you'll have before & after pics of your own work. The sign being there a whole month may get you some more work.

I did that with a driveway here and there when I started, & most of the time it got me more work.

I know you have to start somewhere, but you don't want a customer asking "did you do that roof in the pics", if it's not your work.

Good luck!
Here is a roof I did a couple of weeks ago, and forgot to take an after shot, DOH' it would have been a good one. I had a another contractor call me, he was doing the staining, but didnt do roofs.
Yeah, get into the habit of taking before & afters. I have a ton of pics in a folder on my computer for each account I have. I also have a folder for "one time" & misc. washes. I try to look at the before pic and take the after in the exact same spot & angle.

It's also a good idea to take before & afters at every job so you have backup in case a customer trys to say it doesn't look much different.

You should definately invest in a good camera (I need to do the same, been using my Blackberry, lol!)