New far!


New member
Hey fellow PW's. Wanted to share our new site and get some feed back. The "About/Contact" page will be up in a day or so, but wanted to see what you thought thus far. Your positive or negative criticisms are all welcome. Thanks to all.
I would put your two workers/employees in a uniform-would add to the page.
Thanks for the feedback so far. Originally I wanted the info link on every page, but apparently this is going by the wayside. Don't know why? Maybe that most people are getting more navigation savvy and know to go to the contact page? But good suggestion.

As far as the images and workers in uniform, I will be changing pics from time to time, and will have that ability from my office. I agree that would appear more professional. While we have required attire on ALL job sites, they are primarily sleveless shirts for the summer with our logo & company info on. This was a better compromise than "wife beater" tank tops or shirtless. But again, we intend on changing pics for better professionalism as we go.

Thanks to everyone so far!
Top 5 Must-Haves on Every Web Page
By Jason OConnor

There are 5 elements that every page of every Web site must have. They are standard, and expected by Web users. When one of them is missing, it screams to a viewer that it's an amateur site. If a few or all of them are missing, don't expect anyone to linger for very long.

These 5 elements make site visitors' life easier and saves them time, two extremely important characteristics of an effective Web site.

1) Consistent colors, fonts, and look & feel.

This is a basic tenant of Web design. If you ran a traditional ad campaign that used three different creative ads, would each one look totally different? The answer is `no'. Using the same fonts, the same colors and keeping the general look & feel consistent is fundamental to presenting a unified, dependable, and congruent image. If your look & feel is all over the place, your potential customers may think you are all over the place.

Try for one main font throughout and maybe a secondary font. Two primary colors are best with a third as a secondary color. A shade of one of the two primary colors works well for the secondary color.

2) Consistent navigation and a `Home' link.

If you present a navigational scheme on your homepage, then your users immediately start to learn where to find all the ways to locate elements of your site the minute they arrive. If you then place the same links in different spots on other pages you are making it unnecessarily difficult for your viewers. It is unconsciously annoying to users, and gives the impression once again that you and your company are inconsistent and undependable. Don't make users work harder than they have to get information from your site.

Also, provide a way for a user to get back to your home page on every page of your site. Often this is the page a user is most familiar with so they may want to go back. If someone emails an associate a link to an inner page in your site and they click on it, it is a good idea to provide a way for that new user to get to your home page.

3) A search function.

This is another one of those standard features that most people expect now. If there is a specific bit of information that a person wants to find, don't make them wade through every page of your site. Implementing a search function is easy and free. This truly makes a site user's life a lot easier.

4) Text, not just images, and text links, not just buttons.

Advertising agencies who also make Web sites have a tendency to use too many graphics, often at the expense of text. A good rule of thumb is that if you have words in an image, take it out and replace it with html text. This is good for a number of reasons; including making the site more search engine friendly and loading faster. Search engines can only key off text, not words found in images. Also, graphic-intensive site take longer to load.

If you don't include text versions of your links, and only use buttons (which are images) then a number of popular search engines can't index your site because they can't read links embedded in images. So it's important always to include text links as well as buttons.

5) Phone number, logo, tag line.

Don't make your Web site an obstacle or wall for your prospects and customers by leaving off your phone number. Every page should have your phone number listed. It is very frustrating to go to a company's site and have no way to reach them except through a form or email.

Always include your logo and tag line on every page as well. If you don't have a tag line, start thinking about creating one, your site is a great place to repeatedly get your message out.

All of the above mentioned elements can be included on an html template that is used for every page in your site. Templates make it easy to include all of these and quickly update or change them too. Templates are for another discussion, but keep in mind they are very useful.

Most importantly, make sure every page of your site incorporates these top five elements; they are a very necessary foundation for any effective Web site.
Top 5 Must-Haves on Every Web Page
By Jason OConnor

There are 5 elements that every page of every Web site must have. They are standard, and expected by Web users. When one of them is missing, it screams to a viewer that it's an amateur site. If a few or all of them are missing, don't expect anyone to linger for very long.

These 5 elements make site visitors' life easier and saves them time, two extremely important characteristics of an effective Web site.

1) Consistent colors, fonts, and look & feel.

This is a basic tenant of Web design. If you ran a traditional ad campaign that used three different creative ads, would each one look totally different? The answer is `no'. Using the same fonts, the same colors and keeping the general look & feel consistent is fundamental to presenting a unified, dependable, and congruent image. If your look & feel is all over the place, your potential customers may think you are all over the place.

Try for one main font throughout and maybe a secondary font. Two primary colors are best with a third as a secondary color. A shade of one of the two primary colors works well for the secondary color.

2) Consistent navigation and a `Home' link.

If you present a navigational scheme on your homepage, then your users immediately start to learn where to find all the ways to locate elements of your site the minute they arrive. If you then place the same links in different spots on other pages you are making it unnecessarily difficult for your viewers. It is unconsciously annoying to users, and gives the impression once again that you and your company are inconsistent and undependable. Don't make users work harder than they have to get information from your site.

Also, provide a way for a user to get back to your home page on every page of your site. Often this is the page a user is most familiar with so they may want to go back. If someone emails an associate a link to an inner page in your site and they click on it, it is a good idea to provide a way for that new user to get to your home page.

3) A search function.

This is another one of those standard features that most people expect now. If there is a specific bit of information that a person wants to find, don't make them wade through every page of your site. Implementing a search function is easy and free. This truly makes a site user's life a lot easier.

4) Text, not just images, and text links, not just buttons.

Advertising agencies who also make Web sites have a tendency to use too many graphics, often at the expense of text. A good rule of thumb is that if you have words in an image, take it out and replace it with html text. This is good for a number of reasons; including making the site more search engine friendly and loading faster. Search engines can only key off text, not words found in images. Also, graphic-intensive site take longer to load.

If you don't include text versions of your links, and only use buttons (which are images) then a number of popular search engines can't index your site because they can't read links embedded in images. So it's important always to include text links as well as buttons.

5) Phone number, logo, tag line.

Don't make your Web site an obstacle or wall for your prospects and customers by leaving off your phone number. Every page should have your phone number listed. It is very frustrating to go to a company's site and have no way to reach them except through a form or email.

Always include your logo and tag line on every page as well. If you don't have a tag line, start thinking about creating one, your site is a great place to repeatedly get your message out.

All of the above mentioned elements can be included on an html template that is used for every page in your site. Templates make it easy to include all of these and quickly update or change them too. Templates are for another discussion, but keep in mind they are very useful.

Most importantly, make sure every page of your site incorporates these top five elements; they are a very necessary foundation for any effective Web site.


How come your websight doesnt work:confused: ..................................Only kidding:) , very good info for my future site

Do you build web sites? If you do, leave a phone number. Good info-Thanks
Thanks again for the input. Looks like we have most of the elements, and overall, have been happy with the site results and comments from other users.

Wetwash: Are you the contractor that was campaigning to wash everyone's house in America for a $299 flat rate? Just wondering. Thought I recognized your company name as the one suggesting this.
Ok, you ASKED ?

here is what my web site optimizer says about your site

Web Site Optimizer Report

Report Date: Saturday, March 17, 2007

Search Engine Simulation
The listing below shows two typical samples how your web site will look on the search engines. How your web site listing appear on the search engines will effect the click-thru-rate to your web site. Please make sure your web site listing are attractive.

Five Star Commercial Services, LLC West Bend,WI Pressure Washing Deck Refinishing Construction Site Cleaning
When it comes to maintaining the beauty, value & “curb appeal” of your home, pressure washing and wood deck & cedar siding refinishing are great choices. Five Star has become
98% Date: 17 Mar 2007, Size 8.3K,

Five Star Commercial Services, LLC West Bend,WI Pressure Washing Deck Refinishing Construction Site Cleaning
When it comes to maintaining the beauty, value & “curb appeal” of your home, pressure washing and wood deck & cedar siding refinishing are great choices. Five Star has become
Last Modified 17-Mar-2007 -page size 8.3K - URL:

Meta Tag Keywords
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">

No keywords tag was found in the <HEAD>...</HEAD> portion. Please make sure to add one before submitting your web site. This meta tag will be used by search engine how to index your web site.

Meta Tag Description
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">

No description tag was found in the <HEAD>...</HEAD>> portion. Please make sure to add one before submitting your web site. This meta tag will be used by search engine to index your web site.

Choose the Right Title
<TITLE>Five Star Commercial Services, LLC West Bend,WI Pressure Washing Deck Refinishing Construction Site Cleaning</TITLE>

The title is 108 characters, which is more than the permitted length. It should be no longer than 100 characters. Otherwise, search engines will use first 100 characters in the title.

Web Site Contents(first 250 characters)
When it comes to maintaining the beauty, value & “curb appeal” of your home, pressure washing and wood deck & cedar siding refinishing are great choices. Five Star has become THE choice among homeowners when these services ar

Some search engines use the text near the top of a Web page to index your web site, so make sure you place the most important stuff at the top. Search engines that do not support <META> tags will use the first 200 (or 250) characters for the site's description, so the first paragraph should describe/sell your service.

Note: The contents of your web page is 94 words, which is too short. Search engines will not consider your web page important to be indexed. Please consider to add more text contents to your web page.

Keyword Utilization on Meta Tag Description
Keyword Matches Density Results
OK: Effective keyword usage in Meta Tag Description.
- : Not enough keyword matches, may result in lower Search Engine ranking. Please add more keywords to Meta Tag Description.
+ : Too many keyword matches, may be considered SPAM and dropped from the Search Engines. Please don't repeat the same keyword more than 5 times in the Meta Tag Description.

Keyword Utilization on Web Page Body
Keyword Matches Density Results
OK: Effective keyword usage in Web Page body.
- : Not enough keyword matches, may result in lower Search Engine ranking. Please add more keywords to your page.
+ : Too many keyword matches, may be considered SPAM and dropped from the Search Engines. Please don't repeat the same keyword more than the suggested keyword density in Web Page body.

The contents of your web page is 94 words, for best results, suggest keyword density should be between 5% - 10%.

Need More Tips
Please check our web site at: and for more information on how to improve your web ranking

Now, you need more text, about 300 to 500 words, you need a better description, and you have NO META Tag's to tell search engines your Keywords.
You have a LOT of work to do.
I would suggest dropping your name from the web site title, it could confuse a search engine ?
After all, "5 Star" COULD be about astronomy ?
THINK what a customer would look for in seeking you.

Maybe "Pressure Washing and deck cleaning in wherever, Wisconsin" would be better for a name ?
THEN, in your description, you can say "5 Star is wherever, Wisconsin's pressure washing and deck cleaning experts.
Call us at 666 666 6666 for all your pressure cleaning and deck washing needs."

I wrote this description assuming your keywords are pressure washing cleaning deck and Wisconsin.
SEE how I doubled up on them in the description ?

The FIRST 200 words in a web sites text are REALLY important, and this is where you "make your case" to many search engines.

Lets TRY the first words of your web site again ?
"5 Star Pressure Washing and Deck Cleaning is anywhere, Wisconsin's pressure washing and deck cleaning expert's.
Our state of the art Hot Water Pressure Cleaning equipment, and Wolmans certified deck cleaning chemicals and methods, assure your satisfaction.
Anywhere, Wisconsin's homeowners have trusted 5 Star Pressure Washing to clean and seal their wood decks for over 11 years.

Ok, can you SEE what I am doing here ?
It is called keyword loading, and is critical in the first 200 words of your web site!

BTW, nice deer!
I like it. Easy to use. good colors....
For everybody else: One of my partners owns Sitewhirks (web development) He will build you a website up to 7 pages for $695.00. He won't charge a dime until your "113.56%" satisfied with what he builds. he's done capital one and nextel and some others, but he's still humble. If interested go to
Thanks for the recognition John.Boy you need all those words to be number one in the search engine.

A web site should:
1.Generate a Lead
2.Show Credibility
3.And sell your service

We recognize we have ten seconds to do so. You can keep all those words.

The best way to drive your web site up the search engine is from the streets.
Apple - Thanks for that input. It really is helpful! The plan is to place meta tags, or the key word tags, hidden behind the text. He stated that a few search engines sometimes see this as cheating and may drop, but mostly its OK for all the major engines. I guess we'll see as this is completed. I completely understand what the report is saying and will need to work on this.

I guess my main concern was the content and how it related to the potential client. The appearance being professional, site easy to navigate, and just enough info to prompt a call or email. After all, without the phone call or email, the site doesn't do its job. Again, I understand the importance of getting the search engines to bring us up in the first place. I see way too many sites that try to include their entire sales pitch (ineffectively) which tends to get lost to the viewer. Hopefully we will be able to utilize the hidden meta tags (key words) to improve our search engine position.

Of course, my main intended audience is going to be local. We have an extensive support/recognition ad campaign that will launch in the next 2 - 3 weeks. Print and radio ads will do our usual spring campaign, but will be driving the web site also. A mailing campaign is also being implimented. Our hope is that the site will be more of a reinforcement tool for our other marketing. Time will tell.

Again, thanks to all with your input. By the way Apple, I had to drive 3 hrs to bag that 11 pointer with rifle, 20 minutes into opening day it was down. I prefer going to my other hunting stand which is a couple hundred steps from my back door. First year bow hunting this season - fair size doe and good size 7 point buck. Deer are in my back yard almost every night. God I love the country life!!

See ya!
Apple - Thanks for that input. It really is helpful! The plan is to place meta tags, or the key word tags, hidden behind the text. He stated that a few search engines sometimes see this as cheating and may drop, but mostly its OK for all the major engines. I guess we'll see as this is completed. I completely understand what the report is saying and will need to work on this.

I guess my main concern was the content and how it related to the potential client. The appearance being professional, site easy to navigate, and just enough info to prompt a call or email. After all, without the phone call or email, the site doesn't do its job. Again, I understand the importance of getting the search engines to bring us up in the first place. I see way too many sites that try to include their entire sales pitch (ineffectively) which tends to get lost to the viewer. Hopefully we will be able to utilize the hidden meta tags (key words) to improve our search engine position.

Of course, my main intended audience is going to be local. We have an extensive support/recognition ad campaign that will launch in the next 2 - 3 weeks. Print and radio ads will do our usual spring campaign, but will be driving the web site also. A mailing campaign is also being implemented. Our hope is that the site will be more of a reinforcement tool for our other marketing. Time will tell.

Again, thanks to all with your input. By the way Apple, I had to drive 3 hrs to bag that 11 pointer with rifle, 20 minutes into opening day it was down. I prefer going to my other hunting stand which is a couple hundred steps from my back door. First year bow hunting this season - fair size doe and good size 7 point buck. Deer are in my back yard almost every night. God I love the country life!!

See ya!
I grew up north of Detroit.
Hunted Houghton Hancock in the UP.

But took a better linking to 2 legged deer, so stayed in the bars mostly!

Better read this.
Do NOT place hidden text on your page!
META Tags are invisible, and go in the source where only a search engine can see them.

You NEED more text, listen to the optimizer, it cost me plenty!

Or, do a search for "singles group" and then "roof cleaning" on Google, THE most important search engine, BY FAR>

Google drives the results on many sites, like AOL, etc, etc.

Brandon Singles Group and Apple Roof Cleaning are second in BOTH categories, and are MY sites, written entirely by me, and my optimizer.
OK! OK! I'll pass this info along to the developer & see what he says. Obviously I don't want to spend the money & not get the results. I basically developed the layout myself, using my approach to marketing without really considering search engine importance. I just didn't want a difficult site to navigate, overflowing with useless information that only other PW's understand. I see WAY too much of that already. Even some of the sites I've seen that are set up professionally (graphics, navigation, etc.) still seem sloppy & ineffective to me. My opinion.

As far as hunting goes, I used to go a lot as a kid, but hadn't hunted for nearly 25 years until we bought this new property 1 1/2 yrs. ago. 5 acres with two stocked ponds, surrounding woods, adjoining woods that only I have permission to hunt in from the owner, considerably smaller home than we use to live in, and a 3,500 sq. ft. shop w/heated office. The shop, office & ponds were the kicker for us. Works great for the biz and the nature just rocks. My wife & I will stand at the patio door & watch the deer eat like we never saw one before. Just plain cool!

Anyway, thanks again for the input. I appreciate the feedback. As far as general content in the site, any comments?