# of FB Fans

It doesn't matter how many fans you have. What matters is how many fans you have that are actually buying from you.
Okay here is the scoop. FB had alot of marketing tools on the back side of your page. I can send a message to all of my fans, invite them to an event, post pictures of our work, post articles and videos that they will share with other friends as well as track the age, gender, and location of the people who are fans of my page.

FB is very powerful if you know how to use it.
At 486 likes and only 36 friends on my Mineral Area Pro Wash page, to be fair I went through and removed all of my friends at one point and have kept it big time cut down. Before I did that though I still had a pretty good number of people that weren't friends on there. I have it linked in all my email signatures and I use the Ad program that facebook has. I did about 8,000 last year from facebook referrals, not bad for a super cheap marketing cost. I love how it shows you the number of impressions that a post has made, I got one post I was just looking at that had 692 impressions, pretty sweet, thats alot of people that we interacted with for FREE.
Do a search for hood cleaning charlotte, my facebook page bounces around between 4 and 7 on page one. It ranks, but I'm not sure about how well it helps ranking. I do place my website url in every facebook post on my company page though, just in case it does help.
My dog is my biggest fan.....I always said that I wish I was as great as my dog thinks I am.
About 6800 with all of my pages combined. We have a fan page for timberseal as well as a few other businesses but also maintain fan pages for a few of the local communities / cities we're we work. It's all in the name of advertising :)
I have about 74 "likes" and maybe half are friends and power washers. The other half are from a linkedin networking group. What is cool is I spend very little time on linkedin. It is a "like" swap thing with other local businesses. Find a group of business people trying to network, like "Network Louisville" it may or may not exist. If not create it! Then go in and post "Like my FB page http://facebook.com/outdoorprowash and I will like yours. I read a post about a guy comp[laining about too many updates from liking too many pages, that has not been a problem for me. Good luck Have fun:grin: