Oxilic Acid On Yellow and Dark Stained Vinyl


New member
On another thread, John Orr suggested I use Oxilic Acid on yellow stained and dark stained vinyl and it worked. Another question around that is how would you typically apply this? If xjet, what type of mix. Or do you backpack or use an electric pump? What do you guys do?

I would use some sort of a sprayer. I wouldn't want oxilic acid flying around with the x-jet.

I have had success with downstreaming oxalic. It won't take much, though you might want to mix it a little stronger than usual. For all other purposes, I use a 4 gal backpack sprayer.

I also will be trying it on yellow (hard water) iron stains on wood, vinyl and metal siding. I think one must be cautious on "dwell time" and surely do some spot samples.
We use it to remove rust on roofs and usually apply it with a brush for that. We brighten decks with it or use it on large iron deposits on driveways with an AOD pump. We used to use an electric transfer pump for Sodium precarbonate washes and oxalic rinses. For spot treatments we still use a pump up as well.
I hear you on the iron deposits on driveways. Some bad ones out here!:yes4:
Be careful on stained stamped concrete. We cleaned some rust on a patio and it took that stain off also. We need to restain it with Nu Look now. The homeowner is very understanding and is willing to pay for the materials.

Good point Lenny!