Question About Apple Sauce

Roof Concepts

New member
I just stated a roof cleaning business in Houston. I cleaned my first roof 4 days ago (Monday). The roof came out looking like new. I was wondering how long the apple sauce will last. I have a 125 g tank and only used half. I have another job tomorrow (Friday). Can I use the same batch or make a new one?


Roof Cleaning Concepts
I've had mine go over a week and worked the same as the day mixed. The biggest variable seems to be the initial strength of the 12.5, I get mine really fresh, and have never had a problem with it.
Yes, except Metal.
You must be careful using it on Metal Roofs.
It must be rinsed off right away, and rinsed really good on a Metal Roof.
For a Tile Roof, simply increase the Sodium Hypochlorite percentage by 10 to 15 percent.
Yes, except Metal.
You must be careful using it on Metal Roofs.
It must be rinsed off right away, and rinsed really good on a Metal Roof.
For a Tile Roof, simply increase the Sodium Hypochlorite percentage by 10 to 15 percent.

How quick is "quick"? Ive got a customer wanting me to clean the exterior of her metal house, and plan on using the same formual, just a tad weaker.

Anyone have any suggestions for metal houses?
How quick is "quick"? Ive got a customer wanting me to clean the exterior of her metal house, and plan on using the same formual, just a tad weaker.

Anyone have any suggestions for metal houses?
On a Metal House, I would use a non corrosive cleaner like soap and pressure.
Oh, BTW, we have found that metal roofs take a far weaker solution to clean then shingle or tile roofs.
THINK about how weak a solution cleans a screen room ??
Better WEAK then RUST, know what I mean ?