Questions to ask job interviewees

I place the ad. I don't give my phone number. I have them reply to ad via email with a resume or qualifications and other information I ask for.

I then weed through the resumes, there are several things that I look for that make me immediately respond with my canned response..... "Thank you but....blah, blah, should anything change we will be in touch".

Then I send emails to the remaining applicants, giving them each a specific time to call. Not too early, not to late but specific. If you do not call within a few minutes of that specific time, you are out.

If you do call at the given time, and you pass my phone interview, I will set up a time to meet in person.

If you are late for interview, you do not have the job. If you are dressed like a bum, you don't get the job.

I then just talk to the potential employee, very casusal conversation but specifically designed to get the information needed to determine the next step.

Should all things go well, we will do a one week training/evaluation period with my field supervisor, then an additional week with one of my techs.

The feedback they give me is the major factor in determining if this becomes a full time employee.
I am looking for a particular type of individual that will fit into my company well. Understanding where a potential employee is coming from and where they want to end up is key. I ask questions that will give me insight into their desire/need to work.

Experience is a great but you can teach someone how to spray bleach on a house, you can not teach someone motivation, that comes from within.
We had a guy just this week that was scheduled for a 9:00 am interview. He called at 9:05 and said his alarm did not go off, and he was told that he didn't need to come in for an interview. He sent a NASTY email saying how he was being treated unfairly, and how that was not who he was, and that we were prejudging him. Yep, maybe so, but the email did not help his case, because it proved that he would not fit into our company.
Thank You Mike and Scott for sharing your experiences , strategies, and expectations on hiring and leadership. I know they will be a great asset to me when I hit that stage in the future. One day I will have the type of quality employees/organization that you have.
Let's just face it, good help is just hard to find these days. Everyone wants to make $50 an hour but they want to do nothing to earn it.
This brings me back to my workout and football days...
[h=2]Everybody wants to be big, but don't nobody wanna lift no heavy a.. weight! [/h]
You have to work for every inch every day, there are no hand outs or free lunches in life.