retail advertising and awning maint


New member
during the winter months we've been working on some direct for our direct mailings would be potential retail/commercial of the things we've decidid to highlight on this flywr/letter is about scheduled awning and entranceway maintenanace. i find that soetimes people dont realize that it wouldnt be that much for these things and would like to put on the flyer/letter that most awnings (find out the dimensions of a typical subway store type awning) run around 75....we havent done awnings before and would like some input on typical prices and methods...
no we thought we checked pretty well into the name, but ofcourse right after all paperwork was filed to incorporate we noteiced that company- i think they are mostly suffolk county and probably do more commercial work than us, we're primarily residential right is a pain though because i think one of his workers by mistake is claiming unemployment benefits through us...