Seaerch function in Expand2Web WP theme???


New member
Has anyone found a way to include a search function in Expand2Web via short code?? I've found none that have been tested with that particular theme. The best that I can get from the folks at Expand2Web is to use a sidebar widget. I don't use side bars... so that's not much help.

With lots of trail an error, I've managed to get a search function for our website at the very top left, but it's actually off page, above the header. Has anyone had any better luck? I'd prefer to have it within the nav bar, but I'm advised that can't be done due to the dynamic nature of the nav bar. It seems that other commercial themes are capable of it though.

For the record I did try to place the code within in the header.php file to relocate the search box. Man, that was ugly.... Had to restore the whole website via dbback up.

Any thoughts or suggestions? It's functional as I have it now, but it's not very pretty...... Have a look here. Thanks.