Sealer for wood shingle roofs?


New member
I have a customer with a horrible looking shingle roof. She does not want to clean it because they just sealed it for 10,000... Has anyone heard of this sealer. It is supposed to be a fire retardant for wood shingles.
If you look at the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau's website (this is the AHJ for building codes nationwide when using wood shingles)....they specifically say NOT to use or believe anyone who tells them that they have applied a fire retardent. If someone applied something that is fire retardent, only the top top layer of that wood is protected. Cedar shakes & shingles are naturally fire retardent AND they're supposed to be treated thoroughly before they are installed.

"Can you recommend a good cedar roof preservative?
The CSSB does not recommend brand names. The CSSB does, however, recommend using a topical treatment that offers a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet that lists product ingredients and safety precautions), is labeled as a cedar roof treatment product, is a water repellent, UV inhibitor, and/or EPA registered wood preservative, and has a manufacturer's performance guarantee. Do not use a topical treatment that: makes outrageous claims (such as a 10 year effectiveness), makes fire-retardant claims, is a sealant, waterproofer or plasticizer, or contains unfortified linseed oil, diesel fuel or crank case oil."

They have a 6 page "brochure" on there that if you wanted to provide to this $10K bad roof owner, you may land the cleaning....or not. She may want to contact them though (the CSSB) and discuss what was put on.

Do you have some pictures?

I have pics but can not post for some reason. It just looks like a terribly dirty shingle roof. I will try to print the brochure and give it to her. If you have the website it would help. I will hunt it down now. Thanks ;)