Tampa, Florida Roundtable Event

Hey mike is the pwna gonna have any membership incentives at the national cleaning expo?

That would be cool. Maybe a drawing or two for a free membership...or pay for a course and get a discount towards a one-year membership.
The Next NCE roundtable will be held
July 30-31 in Tampa, Florida.

Speakers at the event:

Daryl Mirza of Facilitec-USA will be the keynote speaker.

Other speakers include Mike Hilborn (Rock Star), Tony Shelton (Bad Boy), Mark Belyan, and Mike Tessaro(Grease Rat).

Courses offered are wood restoration and fleet washing. For more information and to register for this event, go to www.pwna.org. Courses are $99.00

NCE Rate is Free!!! Please Click here for registration

Boot Camps are $99.00 For info Click Here
