Thank you for the opportunity

Lynn Peden

New member
Thank you for welcoming me to your community. Ron contacted me because he was surprised at how often and how positively EaCoChems' products were mentioned. I also am surprised and grateful to hear this. I usually see only avery few threads lead to contacting our web site, such as "white stuff on brick", which I note when checking our stat counter. The fact that so many of you have some experience with our products could be valuable to you if you have achieved a certain mastery on the issues we normally deal with.
EaCo Chem has partnered with many different manufacturers of brick, block, natural and synthetic stone, concrete, mortar, coatings and admixtures to create our greatly expanded distribution network. We offer them chemistry and process expertise and they offer distribution, specification(very important on big commercial projects) and advanced knowledge of most of the big projects in North America.

This relationship brings both responsibility and opportunity. Over the last year and a half as these relationships were blooming EaCoChem has provided work opportunities worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to a few contractors with a good working knowledge with our products to solve problems for these manufacturers and their customers. Our ability to do this, save jobs already considered lost, is part of the reason so many of these manufacturers now specify our products.

Our growth will create more of these opportunities all over North america in a number of ways. There will be remedial opportunities both for poorly cleaned jobs and complete cure issues(DEPOSITS ON THE SURFACE), architects will ask for recommendations of contractors for both demos and small jobs, or like Mark you could end up with 120000 sq @ .75 per because the mason is in a hurry and his guys cant go fast enough, and you know how to use the stuff right.

EaCoChem is also looking for knowledgeable contractors to do paid demos or training in certain situations. We hire only experienced contractors as our regional managers and trainers and because guys this smart and good looking are expensive we dont have people in all regions yet. Typically our present managers do the training of people and decide who is qualified for these jobs that are available.

I look forward to hearing your experiences and you questions. Interest in the problem solving and the paid demos should be addressed to me not mike(he handles customer service not mfg. partners), via our toll free or our email

tanks again for the oportunity
Thanks for Stopping by Lynn, you can be a great Asset to the community with your 40 year expertise in this industry.

Thank you for welcoming me to your community. Ron contacted me because he was surprised at how often and how positively EaCoChems' products were mentioned. I also am surprised and grateful to hear this. I usually see only avery few threads lead to contacting our web site, such as "white stuff on brick", which I note when checking our stat counter. The fact that so many of you have some experience with our products could be valuable to you if you have achieved a certain mastery on the issues we normally deal with.
EaCo Chem has partnered with many different manufacturers of brick, block, natural and synthetic stone, concrete, mortar, coatings and admixtures to create our greatly expanded distribution network. We offer them chemistry and process expertise and they offer distribution, specification(very important on big commercial projects) and advanced knowledge of most of the big projects in North America.

This relationship brings both responsibility and opportunity. Over the last year and a half as these relationships were blooming EaCoChem has provided work opportunities worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to a few contractors with a good working knowledge with our products to solve problems for these manufacturers and their customers. Our ability to do this, save jobs already considered lost, is part of the reason so many of these manufacturers now specify our products.

Our growth will create more of these opportunities all over North america in a number of ways. There will be remedial opportunities both for poorly cleaned jobs and complete cure issues(DEPOSITS ON THE SURFACE), architects will ask for recommendations of contractors for both demos and small jobs, or like Mark you could end up with 120000 sq @ .75 per because the mason is in a hurry and his guys cant go fast enough, and you know how to use the stuff right.

EaCoChem is also looking for knowledgeable contractors to do paid demos or training in certain situations. We hire only experienced contractors as our regional managers and trainers and because guys this smart and good looking are expensive we dont have people in all regions yet. Typically our present managers do the training of people and decide who is qualified for these jobs that are available.

I look forward to hearing your experiences and you questions. Interest in the problem solving and the paid demos should be addressed to me not mike(he handles customer service not mfg. partners), via our toll free or our email

tanks again for the oportunity