The verdict is in !

In addition Carlos I will openly apologize for singling you out but I was told that what has happened was not the intention of the RFW-UaMCC and on paper what I said would be the resolution has been the answer "to get into compliance"

I am not sure of your definition of compliance ? Correct me if I am wrong but you are not a full time power washer either .... right ? So how is the voice for the people not even in the business full time ?

If you are not from here In would just suggest you let us work it out rather than be laughed at.

Contractors in the effected areas need to stand up and take heed at what is happening and become active in a real well thought out resoultion concerning your needs , we need to collectivly come up with a well formulated plan not be dictated someones thoughts from the outside looking in !
No, did I say that somewhere:confused: Now I think you might be misrepresenting/misquoting what I was saying, its easy to do on these B's. Man usually only Doolittle does that to me LIL

I'm done with this I just have a different view of the article & Carlos than you Russ, I just thought you were to strong and I wanted then to share my opinion. We all have our own $.02 have a good one


carlos wasn't allowed to read it prior to print. Thats what I was told by Carlos and I believe it.

That is what you said Jeff
Just my opinion

The old saying's " I can see as far up the elephants ass as the guy holding the flashlight" and "you reap what you sow" are two relavant issues here.

Issues in our industry are alway under scrutiny and looked at from different views and contractors form thier own opinion. We are individuals and are educated.

Anytime alliances are formed behind closed doors, they are and will be questioned and looked over for altruistic direction and veracity in thier proposed goals.

How things fall out in any initiate are often a result of the preplanning, situation analysis and startup players. The Iraq war is a perfect example... Lots of planning to make Saddam fall, no insight and direction what to do after it happened or a plan in place to deal with the fallout that effects the people effected by the Army's actions.

For these initiative's PWNC and UAMCC/RWF to succeed, I feel that looking at the issues through the eyes of the contractor's who are effected is paramount and essential to the success of the initiative. Can I weigh in and give suggestions on how to address the drought issues, not only no, but Hell no. Until I walk a mile in the shoes of the contractors effected, I have no business in telling them what they need to do or how to do it. To do so, in my opinion, is just plain stupid.

We deal with a different drought her in the Northeast every year, It is reasonable for people in florida or texas to tell me how to deal with it? I would certainly listen to thier suggestion, but I would not ask them for a solution.

Before you tell me what I need to do and how to do it, I would ask this of you.... "Please walk a mile in my shoes carrying the issues that I have to deal with". I think we owe the people in the Southeast the same courtesy.
"I don't think and I could bet Carlos is not trying to sell anything to anybody or is trying to do it for some vendor either." - Jeff

Jeff - you CAN bet that I am not selling anything or trying to do it for some vendor. To think otherwise is just plain off track -- period!

Just to take this one step further - enclosed is the original CT article that was reviewed by MANY people that were and still are involved with the drought. We wanted to make sure that we represented EVERYONE accordingly - this document was submitted to CT for publication

Russ - if you need to see emails that support my claims ... let me know...I will post away.....

ALSO - against my better judgement I am giving you a headsup Russ and others that may suspect that the new org. is up to "no good" to the extent that baseless comments seem to get on these boards with no supporting evidence whatsoever. Below is an email that just recently went out to distributors from the UAmCc.

Now, if I (we) had an agenda - the question would be why would we be going in this direction *see below** - email dated March 24th ......

Members of the UamCC Transition Team will be holding a open forum conference call the week of April 1st.

The UamCC organization would like to explore and hear ideas/suggestions/recommendations from the distributor industry as it relates to distributor participation/involvement with the new UamCC organization.

As some of you may be aware, the UamCC organization is revamping it's purpose as an industry organization to the extent that the organization will ensure that it's services will benefit the contractor community. With this said, we are also compelled to explore distributor participation. This is the reason for the conference call.

Historically contractors have and continue to be leery of any organization and distributor relationship due to past experiences with other organizations in which the appearance of distributor preference was frowned upon. We at UamCC will ensure that no particular distributor will be promoted through the UamCC endeavor, however we feel very strongly that distributors have unfairly been singled out due to the missteps of previous organizations.

We have some ideas that we would like to explore with the distributor industry that hopefully will bridge this unfortunate perception. At the same time we want to hear your thoughts and position also.

The conference call will be held either on March 31st, April 1st or the 2nd in the evening EST.

We realize that there are 100's of distributors in the industry but we chose to have this initial discussion with you. We feel you will offer a un bias opinion in our efforts to establish an organization that serves the contractors needs.

Please respond to this email as to which day is best for you. Once the day for the call is set we will provided the conference call numbers (toll free) for you to dial in.

Don't ask who the distributors are because it doesnt' matter. The point is that the new organization IS forming this in a responsible and correct manner.

Again Russ and others, if you want to speak with me personally, please feel free to call.

Carlos Gonzales
Relief for Washers
New Look Powerwash
California Heartland Inc. CSLB#804633 C27 ~ C53
707.678.8700 - Office
707.864.4251 - SOHO
707.812.3702 - Mobile
707.864.6076 - Fax


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I'm just curious about one point.......and it may be clear to everyone else, I just am confused.

Is the UAmCc sponsoring RFW or is it now one entity that hasn't gotten a name or what? There are still two sites, still two acronyms. Where RFW is a free package for contractors, will UAmCc sell memberships? Or are all of these still in development?

I just keep seeing them referred to both as separate issues but then followed up together?

carlos wasn't allowed to read it prior to print. Thats what I was told by Carlos and I believe it.

That is what you said Jeff

edit because what I had to say really doent help anything, so I'll just drop it

Hey Celeste, since you are the leader in alot of your efforts on this. What did you think about the article in whole.
I am not totally up to date on the hole water regulation nor do i receive CT! that is not what i want to talk about though!! I want to make reference to what russ said about the state level groups. The last time i checked you didn't build a pyramid from the top down. And from what i am reading and seeing that is what is trying to happen. You can't just start out with a National Org. right of the bat . .. weather any one wants to admit it or not That cost alot of money and takes a huge amount of planning and organizing. I think we ALL need to start out small. Rome wasn't built in a day. I feel that state chapters would be the best way to go about this. There are so many different laws and restrictions from state to state it is way to much for one or a group of persons to handle. Also when you are on a state level i think you will be less likely to take these "back door" offers . . .

As far as trying to sell things from the chapters i think is wrong (i'm not saying it is being done just stating if i were to be down i feel its wrong) I am a member of the BASS every year i renew my member **** pay my pithily 12 for the year and they send me my magazines and a little offer envelope. In this envalope is a progressive boat insurance discount card, and Avis rental car discount card, and a bass pro shop ad. . . BASS does not go and say Bass Pro is the only place to shop and you must buy a 4/0 hook to catch bass. That makes no sense because in some places you don't need a 4/0 hook just as in some places you don't need a WR system. I don't think it is right to tell corporations mis truths just to sell equipment. . . i think we need to start small and then build . .. you have to walk before you run

(once again I like every one here, i don't want to sound like i am taking sides or saying that some one is doing something they aren't all though i will agree that i do not stand behind an org that sends skewed messages)
edit because what I had to say really doent help anything, so I'll just drop it

Hey Celeste, since you are the leader in alot of your efforts on this. What did you think about the article in whole.

I was thrilled with the article. There was probably enough information provided from so many sources that it could have filled 20 pages so the condensed version had to difficult at best to write.

With that said, I have to say that I can see where Carlos may now be suffering from that shortened version as we contractors in the Southeast have experienced the same situation in a variety of media. It is so frustrating to have to defend yourself.

The bottom line is that the article raised the awareness of the some of situations in our industry - there is still much work to do and to waste the amount of time that has been done just this morning focusing on so many personal opinions or positions or thoughts rather than moving forward with something is a shame.

clearing the air ......... The reason I have found that most of who I have talked to are worried about is this ...... We have all seen the direction of the PWNA , And the zero direction of the UaMCC , SO what should we expect here , we have only seen the same behind the scenes stuff all over again , I refuse to elaborate , just do a search on the last time this came up and see what all came out that no one knew about , heck even poor ole Ken Fenner didnt have a clue what was going on and he is one of the biggest , most open supporters , I would question the motives of anyone (not just because its Carlos) Carlos in my oponion is like the New Cujo , it is completely up to him what he does from here , is Carlos getting a fair shake ? No , probably not but he put him self under the glass , It will be great if all that is promised comes to light , I just dont see it working and as for now and more that likely in the future will not support it .
Sorry but we have a black eye already and I dont intend to wear another !

I am working on our region with some other careing contractors , we are educating and raising the standards in Alabama , simply raise the standards through education in local networks (not orgs) if you are scared of loosing business this way you are probably not doing your job anyway

I want to teach , even the hacks how to do a better job , why so we can all raise our worth in the industry , the more professional and educated we are the better we look and come accross to the customer anyway , no more having to over come objections because the last 4 guys did a piss poor job

I hope this means something to someone
clearing the air ......... The reason I have found that most of who I have talked to are worried about is this ...... We have all seen the direction of the PWNA , And the zero direction of the UaMCC , SO what should we expect here , we have only seen the same behind the scenes stuff all over again , I refuse to elaborate , just do a search on the last time this came up and see what all came out that no one knew about , heck even poor ole Ken Fenner didnt have a clue what was going on and he is one of the biggest , most open supporters , I would question the motives of anyone (not just because its Carlos) Carlos in my oponion is like the New Cujo , it is completely up to him what he does from here , is Carlos getting a fair shake ? No , probably not but he put him self under the glass , It will be great if all that is promised comes to light , I just dont see it working and as for now and more that likely in the future will not support it .
Sorry but we have a black eye already and I dont intend to wear another !

I am working on our region with some other careing contractors , we are educating and raising the standards in Alabama , simply raise the standards through education in local networks (not orgs) if you are scared of loosing business this way you are probably not doing your job anyway

I want to teach , even the hacks how to do a better job , why so we can all raise our worth in the industry , the more professional and educated we are the better we look and come accross to the customer anyway , no more having to over come objections because the last 4 guys did a piss poor job

I hope this means something to someone

Well said Russ... We are doing the same here in upstate NY with the network. I had two newbies here yesterday for class. I appreciate your candid feedback, honesty and bullseye accuracy here.
It does, Russ and I know exactly where you are coming from. You are passionate about your industry and want to protect your business. I commend you for that. Sometimes the best thing I can do when involved in threads like this is type my reply, go take a walk, watch some TV whatever and come back and reread it before I post. When I do that, most of the times I either don't post it or I use that backspace key.

Carlos is a human being. As being such he is prone to make mistakes like all of us. The best assurance to make sure things don't go south like they did with other orgs is to get involved. That's my feeling anyway. I tend to keep an open mind about people and I can turn off my emotions or personal feelings when it comes to business. I don't play politics because I am not good at it. Politics to me are fake at best, and at worst loaded with deception. I know my role in the UAMCC may have to be a short run. I represent too much of a risk factor having a boot in both the contractor camp and the distributor camp. Again, the politics..I have no problem with that. For the time being, I'm kind of out here on an island defending this venture. I do so for two reasons. One, I believe in it and I believe in my own ability. Two, I'm a sucker for the underdog. I look forward to the challenge of being part of something that will succeed where others failed.
Chris thanks, I appreciate your imput on the matter. Russ, hang in there. Thanks for speaking your mind.
I want to teach , even the hacks how to do a better job , why so we can all raise our worth in the industry , the more professional and educated we are the better we look and come accross to the customer anyway , no more having to over come objections because the last 4 guys did a piss poor job

I understand your sentiment.
It does, Russ and I know exactly where you are coming from. You are passionate about your industry and want to protect your business. I commend you for that. Sometimes the best thing I can do when involved in threads like this is type my reply, go take a walk, watch some TV whatever and come back and reread it before I post. When I do that, most of the times I either don't post it or I use that backspace key.

Carlos is a human being. As being such he is prone to make mistakes like all of us. The best assurance to make sure things don't go south like they did with other orgs is to get involved. That's my feeling anyway. I tend to keep an open mind about people and I can turn off my emotions or personal feelings when it comes to business. I don't play politics because I am not good at it. Politics to me are fake at best, and at worst loaded with deception. I know my role in the UAMCC may have to be a short run. I represent too much of a risk factor having a boot in both the contractor camp and the distributor camp. Again, the politics..I have no problem with that. For the time being, I'm kind of out here on an island defending this venture. I do so for two reasons. One, I believe in it and I believe in my own ability. Two, I'm a sucker for the underdog. I look forward to the challenge of being part of something that will succeed where others failed.
\\Good for you Ken... Godspeed
I want to teach , even the hacks how to do a better job , why so we can all raise our worth in the industry , the more professional and educated we are the better we look and come accross to the customer anyway , no more having to over come objections because the last 4 guys did a piss poor job

I hope this means something to someone

This is a great statement, and for whatever its worth it means a lot to me.
This thread is amazing. It's like everyone needed a new hot topic to discuss. All that fire and energy you guys (and gals) used to have, that had come to a screeching fed up halt before - well, it's back.

I don't really see what your seeing either Russ.I only see some contractors and distributors doing whatever it takes to get back to work.If there are fines imposed to wash of any kind,than they aren't working at all.

If they can show thru education and demonstrartion that there are ways to bring their own water and reclaim it and that satisfys the governments of these areas that have them shut down,then more power to them.

I think the ads were placed by the magazine,as A to howthe people reading the ad that this is what can help, and B good advertising and sales by the magazine.You wouldn't put cigarette ad in a article about lung cancer type thing you know.

I don't know Carlos but it sounds like he sees the head in the sand thing they must have done in California happening on the east coast and hes trying to help.

My .02