The wand has it.


New member
The wand has it
I just want to say thanks for the answers on whether I should use a wand or surface cleaner for cedar shingles. I also realized after my wife told me that oxalic acid is also good for rust stains.
What about using a good deck brightner or restoration cleaner?

What is a really good price to charge for a home in washing the roof, exterior, chimney, carport, driveway. Lets say the house is 2500 sq ft, vinyl siding, or wood siding, red brick chimney, 625 sq ft cement carport, 50' x 15' asphault drive. What is the best way to charge them for each area in ( $CDN$ ). I know it will vary, but I don't want to under charge just to get the project. would it be safe to say from $2500.00 - $4500.00 for the 5 areas. I'm just inquiring, so as not to get them frightened. Is there some info on charging from say 1000 sq ft all the way to 10,000 sq ft?? CDN $$
As I'm starting out I don't want to be giving away the work, I also don't want to hesitate when people ask what I charge. Should I charge per square foot or per hour?

Thanks Bill W.