This thread should be fun, old Videos dating back to 1986

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
This was a little Damage video of a KFC we sent to Jim hester VP at that Current time in the West.

He dated Pressure washer because of this type of stuff.

He actually released a bulletin do not use pressure washing because of this type of stuff.

We Slowly changed his mind...

Showing him this did not have to be the case.

We have the same Videos of Tony Lipca's Locations for Walgreens Back in 1996

Will find them, a guy destroyed the Walks they had to replace before grand opening. Cost the Store around 125,000
I really like the emphasis on "SIMULTANEOUSLY! ! !"
That 2nd video is funny Ron. I think your mind operates at twice the speed of a normal person, and it looks like a little yelling is in order to get everyone caught back up to what's going on! Everyone needs to lose it a little bit sometimes. Clears the air