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724-444-7444 ID 119919

Call get on the call, ask questions

Feb Ron Musgraves

March Tony Shelton
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="LastFramePlayer" align="top" height="60" width="173"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#EEF9C1"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#EEF9C1" play="true" loop="true" scale="exactfit" name="LastFramePlayer" salign="lt" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" align="top" height="60" width="173"></object>

April Craig Harrison & Paul Kansander
May Ac Lockyer
June Pete Marrentay
July Doug Rucker
August Jerry
Oct Tony Evans &
Of all the things that were talked about in the interview, apparently the only thing worth complaining about on the other boards was my handling of the topic of the garage cleaning event when asked when and where it was.

First off, I honestly do not know the dates of the event and neither did Bill off the top of his head. I'm going to the New Jersey event and I don't know when that is either. I don't even think I've got my plane tickets yet.

Shelly just makes plane reservations and puts things in the calendar so I don't schedule other appointments on top of them.

I remarked that is was somewhere in Vegas and that it is "secret" because I was thinking more of the actual "hand's on" portion of the event in a garage somewhere that they have chosen to keep a secret.

Even with that said, I honestly don't see any reason anyone in the UAMCC should be concerned when or where it is. Ron, Doug, Scott Stone, and myself have been told under no uncertain terms that we are not invited and that security would be in place to make sure we won't just "show up". That is the president, vice president, and both environmental directors who have been banned from participating in an event where government officials are being invited so they can continue to be pounded with the idea that we are polluters in the very region that three of own businesses.

Ron promotes everything and he has every right to do that if he likes. But when I am on the microphone as an environmental director of the UAMCC I fail to see how we have any obligation whatsoever to promote something that we, as representatives of the contractor members, have are being purposefully banned so that we can't monitor, nor report on the event to the contractors we represent.

Not one UAMCC member has informed us that they are attending. Therefore, in my opinion, we are under no obligation to promote such an event.

Disagree with me if you like, but I have a duty to represent our members and I would be failing in that duty if I promoted an event that, as proven on the past by the speakers at the event, is likely to prove detrimental to our members.

As I've said before, if anyone wants to learn about garage cleaning, this is probably the event to attend. But they have stated there are other things going on at this event that, in my view, will shed a negative light on our industry.

Because of that, I will not promote it either personally, nor in my official UAMCC position and have no obligation to do so.

I would like to add that there is complaining that the questions that were asked on the interview were "fluff" and better questions should have been asked.

The lines were open. Anyone could have asked anything they liked if they had the courage to do so. As it stood, none of the detractors possessed that courage.

Next time it would behoove them to speak up and ask or continue to look foolish for complaining that they didn't have the courage.

Otherwise I apologize for stuttering so much and not having more concise answers. I'm not very good at these types of things.

Thank you all for participating and please email me at if you have any further questions that weren't answered last night.

Thank you again.
You did a great job. I don't understand why you answer those on that other bbs. Really not worth the effort and time. They are what they are. Let them be.

Call or Text 281.883.8470
Clean and Green Solutions
What are you talking about, the call was great!!! A+

We have you scheduled for a Follow up call, don't you worry. Reports from members this morning on the positive side shows these are minority that do not want orgs.

Now who liked the call?

Of all the things that were talked about in the interview, apparently the only thing worth complaining about on the other boards was my handling of the topic of the garage cleaning event when asked when and where it was.

First off, I honestly do not know the dates of the event and neither did Bill off the top of his head. I'm going to the New Jersey event and I don't know when that is either. I don't even think I've got my plane tickets yet.

Shelly just makes plane reservations and puts things in the calendar so I don't schedule other appointments on top of them.

I remarked that is was somewhere in Vegas and that it is "secret" because I was thinking more of the actual "hand's on" portion of the event in a garage somewhere that they have chosen to keep a secret.

Even with that said, I honestly don't see any reason anyone in the UAMCC should be concerned when or where it is. Ron, Doug, Scott Stone, and myself have been told under no uncertain terms that we are not invited and that security would be in place to make sure we won't just "show up". That is the president, vice president, and both environmental directors who have been banned from participating in an event where government officials are being invited so they can continue to be pounded with the idea that we are polluters in the very region that three of own businesses.

Ron promotes everything and he has every right to do that if he likes. But when I am on the microphone as an environmental director of the UAMCC I fail to see how we have any obligation whatsoever to promote something that we, as representatives of the contractor members, have are being purposefully banned so that we can't monitor, nor report on the event to the contractors we represent.

Not one UAMCC member has informed us that they are attending. Therefore, in my opinion, we are under no obligation to promote such an event.

Disagree with me if you like, but I have a duty to represent our members and I would be failing in that duty if I promoted an event that, as proven on the past by the speakers at the event, is likely to prove detrimental to our members.

As I've said before, if anyone wants to learn about garage cleaning, this is probably the event to attend. But they have stated there are other things going on at this event that, in my view, will shed a negative light on our industry.

Because of that, I will not promote it either personally, nor in my official UAMCC position and have no obligation to do so.

I would like to add that there is complaining that the questions that were asked on the interview were "fluff" and better questions should have been asked.

The lines were open. Anyone could have asked anything they liked if they had the courage to do so. As it stood, none of the detractors possessed that courage.

Next time it would behoove them to speak up and ask or continue to look foolish for complaining that they didn't have the courage.

Otherwise I apologize for stuttering so much and not having more concise answers. I'm not very good at these types of things.

Thank you all for participating and please email me at if you have any further questions that weren't answered last night.

Thank you again.
Tonight Stay tuned
724-444-7444 ID 119919

Call get on the call, ask questions

Feb Ron Musgraves

March Tony Shelton
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April Craig Harrison & Paul Kansander
May Ac Lockyer
June Pete Marrentay
July Doug Rucker
August Jerry
Oct Tony Evans &
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="LastFramePlayer" align="top" height="60" width="173"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#EEF9C1"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#EEF9C1" play="true" loop="true" scale="exactfit" name="LastFramePlayer" salign="lt" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" wmode="transparent" align="top" height="60" width="173"></object>..........