Water Tank

Mountain View

New member
Where can I find the most inexpensive water tank and what size should I start out with? Residential, cold water. I'm thinking 225 gal minimum. I want to get what I need without going nuts. Also, are most residential customers cool with using thier water source or do they expect you to bring your own?

P.S. Anyone out there looking to sell a 3000/4 cold water unit. Higher flow is better.
No you don't, John. Those steel tanks rust and get crud in the water...constant PITA! Unless, of course, you're rich enough to have it made from stainless.

Mountainview, check your local ag supply stores. We have Tractor Supply Co. here and they carry tanks at a reasonable price.
Hey Russ I am still going to order that stuff .. I just got to wait a few days for some Money to come in .. I need alot of Stuff.. Just found out today I may need a new unloader on the machine.. Or It Might Just Be dirty Got To check... Damn I got to go clean an Arby's tonight and it is fixing to pour down rain... Oh well.. I get wet anyway... I will call you soon ,, to order .....
at the tractor supply the tank it $280.00 if not more. i called the places that build the trailors for pressure washing. they might have someone trade up from a small one to a big one. i found a 320 gal tank for $100.00 i was looking for a 220 but instead got a bigger one for less price. think about it if you by brand new you pay the price if you buy used which is what i did and it is great.

What type of cleaning are you doing?
i live in watauga so if you ever want to get together let me know. we might be able to learn a thing or two from each other.