what is this and how do I clean it?


New member
I thought this was chaulking from the aluminum siding. I've tried housewash(bd-200), TSP mixed strong with brushing, high pressure, and hot water. I cant get this crap off. What is this stuff and how can I clean it?
Thanks in advance. This stuff is kicking my butt!
Send your pics to Lyn at EacoChem - they can look and tell you. Doesn't look like efflo - more like white scum.
Send your pics to Lyn at EacoChem - they can look and tell you. Doesn't look like efflo - more like white scum.

+10 I was about to say the same thing.

It could be efflorescense, white scum and maybe even lime run, you never know until you get up close and find out what works.

Send them pictures and they will give you some ideas of what it might be and what to use.

I would not try anything over the counter or try something like HCL or Muriatic as you can really damage the brick by not knowing what it is or how to clean it in case someone suggests that. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
I know this post is old, but I wanted to thank everyone for the help. 600 knocked it out. The trick was to dillute it heavily before applying. I called a brick guy for help on this and now we trade a lot of work back and forth!

So what did you use? Post the link
I know this post is old, but I wanted to thank everyone for the help. 600 knocked it out. The trick was to dillute it heavily before applying. I called a brick guy for help on this and now we trade a lot of work back and forth!

Got a link for where to get the 600 that used?????