What makes you different?


New member
Just got off the phone with my buddy that owns a lawn care business and he was crying hard times to me about how all the low ballers and High School kids are taking his business. He told me he's ready to sell out and go to work for another company. He was asking me my opinion since I spent 5 years getting a marketing degree and I asked him "what makes you different?

I want to ask the same question to everyone on this board. What makes your company different from the "joe blow, splash and dash powerwashing copmpany?" Is it your marketing, customer service, maybe your methods? Do you specialize in one type of pw'ing? My hometown is over run with tree trimming companies that offer the same service as the next guy and the only thing they have to compete on is price. It seems like I see the same equipment in town all the time and they have different company names on them every couple months. That is proof to me that if you compete on price your days are numbered as a business owner.

Just thought I would stir things up and see what everyone else had to say and to maybe get the wheels turning for others.
I think the main thing that sets me apart from my local compeditors is that I use di water. And I am willing to work at 3:00 am if needed
I offer the best truck washing services for the best possibe price. We buy soap direct or make it, we use high school kids to work, whatever it takes to keep our prices low. We use 110 volt burners and cat pumps, open triggers and never have equipment problems. We have a method of applying soap that is better than most. We have methods of capturing waste water that is cost effective. We also hire a lot of family so we've got folks working that truly care about this business more than your typical employee.
Because I know there is no one in town that can clean concrete as well or as fast as we can. Price is just a myth and can be avoided if you don't base your sales around it. After you do a demonstration and show them the difference you can generally be higher if not alot higher and still sell the account. The object is to be fair with your pricing. I have one account I am getting 8 cents per sq.ft and its a 15 day account rendering over 950.00 each visit and I was actually cheaper than the other guy however I perform a better job, and have better customer service. Also not to mention we get it cleaner than they ever did and are in and out within 2.5 hours
I being new to this business as an owner I would have to say that I believe in the customer service. Any one can offer a "wash job". I want the owner or manager to not have to worry about his business and does it look its best. I want to give the customer the result I would expect if I was paying for it. Going in and doing it right the first time and not doing it for the "beer money". I want the customer to tell his other business owner friends to get me to clean their locations because I do it right. Sure things will happen and they might not be happy but I will do what it takes to make it "Right".

I think that is what makes me different.

Cal me crazy?