What type of certification is needed to do hood washing?


New member
Is there a state license you must obtain? I've done quite a few hoods. I have always wondered though is there a license that I should have. It does seem that the money sucks for the amount of disgusting junk you have to put up with. There is a company in my city that does it for pennies. Doesn't really make it worth getting into full time. Something I would not touch for under $500 they will do for $300. They must do a $300 job on it. :)
There are techniques to hood cleaning that can only be learned through time, experience, or training. I think Nevada, or at least Las Vegas requires a license. I'm not sure of any others. Certification is where the industry is heading. How and when is anyones guess though.
There are techniques to hood cleaning that can only be learned through time, experience, or training.

Training is Good ( But time and experience are a must ) I been doing this for 14 ... almost 15 years and I still learn stuff everyday.. I still even run into the impossible customers and the impossible cleanings.. But time and experience will teach you how to deal with these situations... Also training is good too..