What you can learn on facebook

Jonathan Ellis

I am new to the facebook thing. I was searching people that I know and got to a page of a friend of mine that is a speaker. He had a link to the page www.lungs4joseph.com and I looked at it. It is a guy that was the youth pastor at a church that I use to go to. He had been sick and after reading the blog, his lung function is operating at 14%. After reading the blog, if you can find anything to help out this situation, and feel that you should, please do so. Joseph has always been a real inspiration to everyone he is around, he is not a complainer and needs a little help now.

I am sorry for bring something like this to a bbs such as this, as this situation has nothing to do with pressure washing, I guess that it just hits you a little different when it is someone you know.:thumbup2: