which one to buy?


New member
Here it is, I have a chance to get a Hotsy "shark" 3000 p.s.i. 3 gal/min. (hot water) for 2795 with the Honda 9h.p. engine or the Hotsy 2400 with the 7 h.p. Robbins at 2395... or I might be able to get the M T M hot machine for about the same price (I forget the specs.)

I realize that I can't afford a Landa, but I wanted to get some feed back from some guys that know what's going on. The Hotsy has a 7 year pump warranty.

Any input will help tremendously... I like the Hotsy and Landa mostly because there is a dealer close to me..

Warranty means exactly NOTHING. The longer the warranty the more likely it is there are codicils that allow the manufacturer out of supporting it. If we all bought on warranty then we would be driving Hyundai's.

Make your decision on the dealer, their ability to support you and your purchase, what you are planning on cleaning, how often et al.

Sometimes the more 'expensive' unit is the cheapest overall if it does most of what you want it to do without compromising.

Be ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that the charging system available for the unit is large enough to supply the voltage required to run the 12V burner; should be no less than 15 amps with 18 being preferred.

As with ANY 12V system ONLY run it at WIDE OPEN THROTTLE.

Hope this helps? Cheers.