who do I ask for

My bank is a local credit union, but they take pride in having a clean and maintained property, or so I thought....
I went to one of the branches, and 4 of the parking spaces had oil stains on them.
Another one had lines from whoever they are paying to clean the walkways.
I'd like to get out there and demo for them, and possibly pick up this contract.
Who exactly do I ask for?
Start with the branch manager. She will know who the contact person is, likely a facilities manager. Suggest that you would like to send your company info in hopes of a chance to bid the next time it comes up. I just bid on a string of SunTrust banks doing just that. I didn't get it as it went to a lower bidder but I met a couple of good contacts. I will follow up in a few months to see how things are going.
Start with the branch manager. She will know who the contact person is, likely a facilities manager. Suggest that you would like to send your company info in hopes of a chance to bid the next time it comes up. I just bid on a string of SunTrust banks doing just that. I didn't get it as it went to a lower bidder but I met a couple of good contacts. I will follow up in a few months to see how things are going.
Ahhhhh forgot banks call them branch managers not GM's oops. Glad you got the contacts David. Follow through will get you those jobs for sure!
I love cleaning banks!! I currently clean 9 banks every three months and 1 bank annually. Always trying to add more.