

New member
Hey Guys.....Wondering about the X-Jet. Seems like if you are spraying up to heights of 30-40 ft, the pressure would splash again the building and spread chemicals all over shrubs and landscape and really cover everything. Thanks:confused: Sam

I love my x-jet and they are on sale if you wanted one. This is what i do. 1]water down the grass,plants,and deck. 2]put a 5 gal bucket of chem on opisite corners of the house[1 story] spread out 3 if 2 story 3] 1 5 gal of 3 to 1 GUTTER ZAP 4]apply wash to the two sides of the house 5]apply the gutter zap to the gutters on the same 2 sides 6]go back and rinse from where i started useing downstream wax and cascade 7] do same for other 2 sides 8]use remaining chem on front porch and walkway[let it dwell] 9] go back double check everything is good to go as you are watering down the plants and grass 10]go over the cement with the surface cleaner and rinse
Anyone have a better or faster way to do a house? i would like to hear it.
most 2 story houses 2 hours[if you take your time-that means if omer is home-if not 1 hour 15 min] same quality but people want you to be there longer[they cant see paying $150 for a job that can be done in under an hour and a half]
Delco Sells Them

Call Rusty, Gerardo or Rachel at 1-800-433-2113.

Larry Hinckley
General Manager,

Ph. 800-433-2113 Fx. 817-625-2059