But the way I understand the video, Vince, is that 150 foot radius includes anyone on the Tile network. A total stranger could walk by your machine a hundred miles away, and you get notified as to it's whereabouts.
The big question is How many Tile users are there?
Battery life is one year.
For the 2nd time in a few months someone cut the motorcycle straps on a water pump and generator I have holding them in place on my truck a few nights ago right in my driveway. They obviously didn't see the thick chain and padlock I have on them going to the propane tank. I finally just pulled them off the truck and put them in the garage for now. I'm not the only one in my neighborhood though, the cops have stepped up patrols lately at night which is good.
I was actually thinking about running another switch and a wire under my truck going from the transformer of the machine to the water pump and generator. When I park the truck at night just throw on the switch. The second anyone puts their hand on the water pump or generator then they would be doing a happy dance. I just don't know if it would burn out the transformer though on the machine or not.
Not sure about damage, but according to their FAQs it is waterproof. http://www.thetileapp.com/2?utm_expid=72811503-1.kv3zsnTHTKex2o_bewQnEQ.1&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=CPC&utm_referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fl.php%3Fu%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.thetileapp.com%252F%253Futm_source%253DFacebook%2526utm_medium%253DCPC%26h%3DHAQHuPOjq%26s%3D1#faqWhere can you mount them to not get noticed or damaged? Are they weatherproof?