Is this access door acceptable

Chris, give them a call back and let them know about the missing panel.

Remember you are a profesional and your peers look up to you and you wouldn't want that to change would you. I think not!

When you get them on the phone let them know you have the exact access pannel to cover the gaping hole in their duct. What's so hard about that, nothin, right!

When you get there have your tools and a couple access pannels in a tool bag or restaurant quality bucket and make sure they see you carry in some access pannels. Now climb up to where the access pannel is missing and look around on top of the duct, or the false ceiling and locate the exact access pannel and install it.

Access Pannel = $45.00

Trip Charge = $35.00

Knowing how to make a buck! = Pricele$$
John B.,

Our duct spinner works OK, 6" adjustable, mosmatic. keep in mind we can't apply any chemical cause of limited access. long horizontal runs with no access.

We pull the duct spinner through several times and then stop when we have a mess so big the morning will witness us still cleaning it up.

I love cleaning that restaurant. In fact we start at about 10:00pm and are pulling off the job at 10:00am. We ran a little long the last time we cleaned it cause they asked to clean all the appliances. Which we did, me and my helper. We got off the job at 11:10am. Jobs like that will put hair on your butt.

I was glad that night was over, or so I thought. I could barely stay awake on the 35 mile drive home. All I could think of was helper kept yelling out "Watch the road you're going to kill us" well I made it home finnally, I jumped in the shower, got ready for bed, turned on the fan to it's highest setting to block out all outside noise and 5 minutes after I laydown my dog starts going crazy as she does when the doorbell rings. I lay there and thought to myself, Kids are at school, wife is at work and I'm not answering the dang door. Doorbell rings again, and then again, dog is barking and dashing in and out of my bedroom like Lasie would if little Timmy had fallen down a well. I just yell at my dog and say shut the hell up and go lay down somewhere. Another ten minutes pass doorbell rings again without prejudice .... Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Ding-dong, Ding-dong, my dog has forgoten I'm already pissed, not only does she dart in and out of my bedroom but this time she jumps up on the bed and pounces on me like she is doing me a favor by waking me up. I grab her by the hair on her neck and with a stern, teeth showing growl, I tell her to stop barking and go laydown somewhere and don't make another sound. Ten or fifteen minutes pass and now the backdoor is being banged on. Dog starts barking again, I throw the covers back and fly out of bed thinking whoever is trying to get my attention has got it undivided, I walk down the stairs in a huff and fling open the backdoor with haste, as I say "what the hell do you want", wearing nothing but my underwear. No one was there, I slam the dang door and then look out the windows in the front of the house and don't see a car or anything so I guess I wasn't quick enough, o well maybe I get some sleep now. Again I lay down and dang door bell rings and rings and rings, dog is going crazy. I throw the covers back so hard this time they become detached from the bed and land on the floor. Crap, I'll have straighten that out when I get back! Same as before, I walk down stairs in a huff and fling open the frontdoor, as I say "what the hell do you want!"

Guess who it was.
A Jehovah's Witness with a quota to make.
Nope! LOL

It was my A$$ finally dragging in from the job we just finished.