Something to think about?

Wesley Teston

New member
The 13 page thread on PT got me to thinking. There was good arguments from both sides then it turned personal.

Mike made a comment something like this "you took food off my table". We know he didnt mean it in a literal since but he was trying to get his point across. He was upset because he took time to help a fellow contractor out that he thought was moving out of his area. Lets think about this for a minute, he trained someone that he thought was moving.

Where was he moving? My area? Your area? The point is you helped because you thought they were moving (that's your words). So now he's taking food off of our tables and that was going to be ok with you?

You really got upset about this but you and others have done this to other contractors over the years. Why is it ok for you to train contractors and send them off to other area's to take food off our tables but not cool if they stay in your area?

Mike, this is not a slam against you at all but it's something I want everyone to think about. I went through the school of hard knocks why don't the new guys have to go through it? Overall the boards can be good for the industry but not by spewing pricing info all over the boards and "how to" info every where.

Take some time and give your feedback. I know guys are gonna be on both sides and that is ok. I just would like to hear others thoughts.
Just a note, guys. If this thread turns into a slamming match, it'll get pulled quicker than a chin hair on a model.
The 13 page thread on PT got me to thinking. There was good arguments from both sides then it turned personal.

Mike made a comment something like this "you took food off my table". We know he didnt mean it in a literal since but he was trying to get his point across. He was upset because he took time to help a fellow contractor out that he thought was moving out of his area. Lets think about this for a minute, he trained someone that he thought was moving.

Where was he moving? My area? Your area? The point is you helped because you thought they were moving (that's your words). So now he's taking food off of our tables and that was going to be ok with you?

You really got upset about this but you and others have done this to other contractors over the years. Why is it ok for you to train contractors and send them off to other area's to take food off our tables but not cool if they stay in your area?

Mike, this is not a slam against you at all but it's something I want everyone to think about. I went through the school of hard knocks why don't the new guys have to go through it? Overall the boards can be good for the industry but not by spewing pricing info all over the boards and "how to" info every where.

Take some time and give your feedback. I know guys are gonna be on both sides and that is ok. I just would like to hear others thoughts.

Russ and Kory are right. Can't really answer without getting all stirred up again. I sent you a PM.

Sorry Kory, Russ.
Hey Wesley,
I'll give you my perspective on this without commenting on other things that were in that post. I also did train a couple of guys in my area years ago but I stopped because I had other people asking me if a friend from my area could learn from me in the workfield. I gracefully said no. I could have said yes to that and if I ran classes etc. and they were willing to pay I might have done that but besides that I didn't want to train guys who are going to be directly competing against me. I do at times network with PW in my area to pass on a job or get a job from them but that is different.

As for training guys or just talking shop here on the bb's that has no bearing on what I do. Sure if they come back and beat me on a bid that sucks but that is business. I have competed against guys for jobs and lost and I also one a few against them but we aren't mad at each other. I also was subbed out a few times by guys who won bids and I did part or all of the work.

So basically the reason to me in which I find no problem sharing or training someone is because you form relationships that can be benificial to both of you. Do I give away the candy store to everything I know..Heck NO and I would think they wouldn't either. But sharing and making these bonds is another way of networking and sometimes they pay big time dividens and at the very least you make some good friends and connections with a few of these guys.

Nothing is perfect. I learned more then what I ever gave out from these bb's and RT's. I would continously support them because for me they worked. I know some people hate them because of what your stating above. Thats fine. I'm like a sponge and even though I did learn somethings from the "School of hardknocks" that in no way compares to what I learned from my fellow powerwashers and with some of these guys we made $100's and sometimes in the $1000's together.

So I support the networking and training. The other stuff that you read about was personal and that is a different story then what I'm saying here.
Jimmy Johnson will get wrecked. I'm sure there is some kind of bonus to the driver who takes him out of the race.

It will be either Denny Hamlin or Kevin Harvick to win the championship. I'm leaning more towards Denny though.
It'll be JJ or Denny. I'm hoping Denny wins it. I was in dallas a couaple weeks ago at the race when Denny toook 1st and Gordon got in a fight.
The 13 page thread on PT got me to thinking. There was good arguments from both sides then it turned personal.

Mike made a comment something like this "you took food off my table". We know he didnt mean it in a literal since but he was trying to get his point across. He was upset because he took time to help a fellow contractor out that he thought was moving out of his area. Lets think about this for a minute, he trained someone that he thought was moving.

Where was he moving? My area? Your area? The point is you helped because you thought they were moving (that's your words). So now he's taking food off of our tables and that was going to be ok with you?

You really got upset about this but you and others have done this to other contractors over the years. Why is it ok for you to train contractors and send them off to other area's to take food off our tables but not cool if they stay in your area?

Mike, this is not a slam against you at all but it's something I want everyone to think about. I went through the school of hard knocks why don't the new guys have to go through it? Overall the boards can be good for the industry but not by spewing pricing info all over the boards and "how to" info every where.

Take some time and give your feedback. I know guys are gonna be on both sides and that is ok. I just would like to hear others thoughts.

Happy Birthday Bro