Roundtable Host 2009
Hello everyone I am somewhat new to chemical cleaning and have been only doing this for a year part time mostly. Where I bought my equipment i asked the owner what is the best mixture to clean tile roofs in south Florida and he told me that it depends on the day and how bad it is. He recommended using a 70%-100% SH mixture depending on the job. Before all the pros start bashing me about this I searched for hours looking up surfactants and detergents and found nothing in the search button. So my question is, should i be mixing any surfactants or detergents to my mix and are there any house soaps and detergents that i can use to reduce my cost? I have asked many local guys around here and they just apply SH mix and that's it, some of them even say they don't rinse off the roof and let the rain do it. Thank you for all your answers and advice.