I Was Wrong

I'm glad I took time to read this entire post. We are starting to clean more roofs and the guys will be trying the aple jack this week>We have not been able to make much money on roofs because we use to much mix on a roof. When we try to charge for the extra amount of cleaner and time we do not get the job.
Brian or I willpost the results later this week
Too much Mix ?
For a 2000 sq ft home w/o garage, it should take no more then 35 gallons ?
Sounds like someone is getting OLD Sodium Hypochlorite ??
I agree did a 2300 sqft house with apple cider or Russ apple jack , used 23gal came out great , Scrappy price it the other day mix it the new way still pretty cheap , cheaper then the people buying roof cleaning chem from power washing sale people.
I think the Apple Cider works pretty good Andrew.
But try and make only as much as ya need.
It does eat up your mix faster then chlorine/water alone. :(

The proof is in the finished product, not necessarily how fast it works. ;)

We have tested it aginst the same amount of just SH/Water alone.
Guess what roofs looked better when rinsed ? :)
I went back and looked at the 2 we cleaned and much to my surprize they looked good , very crisp ! like the difference betewwn a polaroid and a digital photo

Only draw back was we cleaned another 2 days after making the mix and it did not come clean on contact like the first two , I had to rinse (dont like to rinse !) then I had to reapply but in the mix's defense it was only like 45 degrees ...... oh and had to rinse again ! That never happens ! then I was soaked (from rinsing) and pissed off (from rinsing) and its one week later and I just got over the flu (prolly from getting wet rinsing), lesson learned ! Mix as needed and apply at temp over 65 wantch it come clean and dont rinse !
Glad ya are feeling better Russ :)
You were absolutely correct that is does eat your mix up a bit faster.
But it is super easy to make, just try and not make more then you really need.
As you would expect with all the surfactant and alcohol to aid in penetration, when rinsed the roofs look wonderful.

You know something I have noticed over the years Russ ?
ALL roofs look their very best after a good rain or two, or even 3.
Especially any roof done with any kind of surfactant or TSP, Simple Cherry, etc.

By the way, an unrinsed roof stays cleaner LONGER then a rinsed roof.
Unless you wait a half hour or more before you rinse a roof.
Reason ?

It takes TIME to fully kill all the Algae.
Russ, I dont want to tip my hand yet, but I am working on a roof cleaning mix that you will be able to walk away from with NO potential problems.

Thats right, blow and go, spray and go play, splash and dash, leave and never greive.

Like a Chlorine Cowboy ;)
So i cleaned a roof with the mix and i have about 8 gallons left should i just get rid of it or how long will it last?
im thinking the ajax kills the bleach right?
Yes, the Ajax is a departure on the US Patent that the new sauce is based on.
I do not know what kind of surfactant is in Ajax, but it may not be chlorine friendly.
And perhaps it is the Alcohol, both the Ethanol in Ajax, or even the Isopropyl, we don't know.
The US Patent calls for a sodium hypochlorite compatible surfactant.
That means ORDERING something :(
You know me, I like to make stuff simple, stuff anyone can easily duplicate with a minimum of hassle.
When I saw the Patent, I substituted Ajax for the suggested surfactant, added Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, went and cleaned roofs.
The reason for the Ajax Dish Soap is this, it has THE highest percentages of Ethanol of any dish soap.

Since the new sauce is so easy to make, why not actually MIX on site for maximum effectiveness.

If you make a batch up, here is what you will notice.
It will smoke like hell for about 8 hours.
The smoke will reduce after 8 hours, and reduce more the next day.
After 48 hours, there will be little smoke, and your stuff will be noticeably weaker.

We THINK This is because the chlorine and the other components are fighting each other, but until the chlorine finally wins the fight, good cleaning is to be had.
I feel the alcohol is the reason , I had independantly used the ajax before w/o any problems
Could be ?
But Ajax has Alcohol in it, Ethanol.
One GOOD thing I will say about SH and TSP, or even Apple Sauce is it lasts forever, or as long as the chlorine will.
Sounds great Chris. Are you going to patent the new stuff or will it be a trade secret?
So if the alcohol is causing the smoking is it really needed? What is the purpose of the alcohol? It's rather expensive too, i've only found it $12 for a gallon:eek:. Has anyone tried it with just the SH and ajax? Also you said the larger bottles, are you talking the 16oz or the 32oz ones?