Scott Stone
New member
It said I did not have access to administrative controls.
John T.
John, Lets beat the dead horse, its actully a little funny I was reffering to you and another individual but since you have tried to explain this John I can trust your word over anyone from TGP( those guys are a bunch of Jokesters)
I’ll take you have spoken to Brian personally and I would like to formally apoligize for Brian taking the post Chris bent his direction. Brian long before you put endless nights working on PWNA stuff I was in mexico lying on the beach drinking a margarita. ( I have done the thankless job before you ever thought about it, So I realize and know how relentless and thankless it is. )
I finsihed all that I ever started and got one little reward, I inlisted about 75 members(including JohnT.) and 16 distributor members. Admin the first BBS started the first forum and sign all the dist to the first banner program. The list gos on and on, sat on BOD meeting even when I was not on the Bod and had committee jobs. (you don’t need to ask me, I apoligize to all for endoresing what I bekieved at the time)
They asked me countless times to be on the BOD. I declined because I was helping in other places. You joined a PWNA in a different era, we had way more committees and I had actually started and pushed for the committee that checks on the other to make sure they where all doing there jobs.
I never have wanted nor do I want to sit on the BOD of the PWNA at this time.
I’m sorry that for what ever reason you left it must have been pretty good. I never called you a quiter, you can say I candy coated all you want. I still only have seen your prakster TGP guys and there day to day jokes and photo shopping they do standing here accusing me of accusing you. ITS JUST A JOKE!!!!
I know it hurts so you might look around and realize you may be resigning from another org. Truly sorry your so called friends tried to put us at odds.
Call me sometime, we have talked in the past and you are a good person as John T has said.
That statement is so true, They resigned!!!!! that means they quit!!! guit because they couldnt take the heat or because they couldnt play ball.
Why would anyone follow anyone who couldnt control themselves or other proffessionals.
This is not and attack but perhaps the truth many like Don pointed out may not even know.
Two excutive BOD members......???????
RON, THAT IS FUNNY AS HELL, so Brian and Cujo weren't the two quitters you were referring to? The fact that it was assumed, exemplifies the ignorance, quick jump to assumptions and communication barriers that exist in the industry.
Hell, I think Oprah should do a story on us..... Or even perhaps Jerry Springer
Thanks for the entertainment
Brian actually called me and asked if I had seen the accusations, so he was the first to point them out. He said he was writing a reply, and had read me some of it over the phone.
Post seem to get buried, so I will refer you to the original that started this:
The only two executive BOD members that resigned were Brian Penney and Cujo Cooley. Why would Ron put this statement in here if he was talking about John T. and someone else?
I think that should be reserved for the house washers.![]()
I still don't recall seeing a list of what people 'expect' from a proposed 'org'.
Personally, I think any organization, whether its flatwork, roof, window, wood, or fleet related, must first come up with a list of goals and standards to be met, and a code of ethics.
Its obivious that there are a lot of guys out there doing these services, we've all taught one another something at somepoint or will be called up by a guy just looking to turn his dream of self employment into a reality in the next few years.
Name and costs to join are the lowest priority in my opinion.
What are going to be the benefits of joining?
I'm not interested in a discount for cleaning supplies, parts, and specialty equipment (I have suppliers I'm happy with, thank you agian SR,BB,BW,PK,GS)
The distributors collectively should play a role in member approval. I know there are guy's homebrewing and there are guys building their own equipment. BUT using professional equipment is only one part of the profession.
Having bonafide references and insurance are you other 2 parts of membership requirements. I don't think any potential member could not supply a list of 20 references...score less than a 70% on the satisfaction scale and thats is a sign you need to hone some skills BUT depending on the results, you could be mentored. Insurance...touchy subject, but no questions asked a certificate is minutes away, minimum required? My gut says to create continuity in the industry a minimum of $2 Million. You want to show people you are your ass for serious business. Its not as expensive as you think.
How will the group work together and educate the public on certain aspects of the exterior cleaning industry...Almost need a writer on staff to write the press releases.
And realistically different areas have different concerns, drought, EPA compliance, 'non business liscence states' (GA and PA are two of the 13 that don't require a business liscense).
How will this "affiliation" get the contrator the job over the handyman with his electric wonder and simple green?
Hey Mr. K
You feelin any better? I was hoping your take on the round table. So many that have attended have said they where not impressed.
Mainly do to the fact no one actually took the reins.
I was hoping you would give us the staright scoop. You shoot staright reguardless and have no personal agenda other than to help your fellow washers.
have a great day and evening Scott
Mr. Penny
Brian, in light that Mr. gibson of THE GREASE POLICE .Com....
You time and effort if only spent half the energy would create more positive with TGP.
John T.
John, Lets beat the dead horse, its actully a little funny I was reffering to you and another individual but since you have tried to explain this John I can trust your word over anyone from TGP( those guys are a bunch of Jokesters)
Still have no voice and have been literally down to a whisper for almost a week now.
We have been nothing but professional on this board since Russ took over and we are here because we like him, could you lay off of the insults and the "foam is horrible" threads or we will leave again and it will return to the ghost town that it was!
Thank you
Ron, I realize that you are trying to do little things to make an archieve in the search engines to bash The Grease Police, but could you please lay off of the insults. If I may refer you to Russ's rules here. From what I hear he is a stickler and will not tolerate the bashing of other members huh Russ?
We have been nothing but professional on this board since Russ took over and we are here because we like him, could you lay off of the insults and the "foam is horrible" threads or we will leave again and it will return to the ghost town that it was!
Thank you
Ant, if you look above Chris just made a post you should re-read and look close. Matts a banned member.
weren't you a banned member on a bunch of boards in the past but used different phony IP's to gain entry as a different user?
So, Matt and Chris are practically bruthas, Matt's at Chris' house .... on his computer...what's the big deal? You and I both know Ron, that this board especially the KEC part of it would be absolutely NOTHING without Matt Bryan. He is THE BEST kitchen exhaust cleaner in the industry and has made every hood cleaners business with his knowledge, better (including mine). Yes, he plays the occasional funny joke on us, but my goodness, you know that isn't why he was banned. Look, I'm not gonna relive the past. I am moving on as you said you are. I'm just saying, would you please stop insulting TGP and Foam and anything else or anybody else that is involved with us by your subtle little accusations. That's all I'm that too much?